When did the WoW community get so political?

The poll I told you about feminism to check out literally referred to the people in it as “men” and “women”.

Me and the males are going out for some beers my female. We’re going to discuss male things and maybe leer at some females.

Can you imagine people talking like that? lol
I can’t believe you guys think that doesn’t sound weird.

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It depends on the context of the conversation. I have some doctor friends who regularly refer to women as female and men as males. Also, pook is absolutely triggered otherwise they’d not have brought up being sensitive to the usage of a word as “creepy” to begin with.

The italics are for dramatic effect. As in, I think being triggered for this specific reason is absolutely ridiculous, like italicizing a word.

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[quote=“Pook-stormrage, post:165, topic:39513, full:true”]
Me and the males are going out for some beers my female. We’re going to discuss male things and maybe leer at some females.

Can you imagine people talking like that? lol
I can’t believe you guys think that doesn’t sound weird.
[/quote] con·text



  1. the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.

“the decision was taken within the context of planned cuts in spending”

synonyms: circumstances, conditions, factors, state of affairs, situation, background, scene, settingMore

  • the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

“word processing is affected by the context in which words appear”

Female is the appropriate word to use circumstantially. You are arguing semantics.

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WOW life became political around the same time everyone IRL got political. We are, after all, a community that consist of people who also take part in RL society (most of us anyways (not me hehe)). /moo

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What does it even mean to be “triggered”? Can you define it for me? I don’t feel like I’m triggered, but I’m not even sure what it means. I’m certainly not angry at all if that’s what it means.

You felt compelled to respond to something based on an emotion and not a logical reason.

Edit: I.E you felt like it was creepy. That doesn’t make it creepy. It’s an opinion. Him using the word female triggered you to respond. It has no logical backing outside of feeling and emotion.


I believe getting triggered means to become overly upset the second something you find remotely offensive happens.

I’m pretty sure that’s how the coneheads talked in that old SNL skit.

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I don’t care about that poll. The washington post is very left leaning. I am using the term right, you are creeping yourself out and I don’t care about that either. You come across as being a very weird and awkward person.


It’s kinda funny how conservatives always be talking about “triggered” when I find they themselves are often triggered hardcore

It’s like hey guys, here I am the biracial transgirl in an interracial relationship… and now a Christian, and conservatives be like:

Every breath I take, leave triggered haters in my wake :slight_smile:


OK. Well, changing gears a bit, what’s the big deal with “female”? Why are people so annoyed when that word is used instead of “woman”? Women are females, right? You actually just used “female” a few sentences ago, when you referred to Rodrigue as a “female journalist.”

Well, first, it’s grammatically awkward. “Female” is fine when you use it as an adjective—like with “female journalist.” “Journalist” is the noun here. “Female” is describing a type of journalist.

You can also use it as a noun without it being awkward. For instance, let’s say you had a job taking attendance at an amusement park. You can say, “836 females and 801 males came to the park today.” This is an instance where the use of “female” and “male” would be appropriate. (You should also go back to school because a job taking attendance at an amusement park sounds like the worst job ever.)

It’s inappropriate when it’s used as a substitute for “women.” For instance, “Don’t you hate it when females text all the time?” is grammatically awkward because you’re clearly referring to grown female human beings. And there’s already a word for grown female humans beings: “women”! If you’re referring to a female human being who is not grown yet, there’s a word for that, too: “girl”! (“Earth” works here, too, if you’re in the Wu-Tang Clan.)

OK, so it’s grammatically awkward. I still don’t see the issue here.

This is why context matters. Because experience has taught many of us that the type of person (men and women) who regularly refers to men as “men” and women as “females” is often the type of person who also has some pretty backward beliefs about women. The word “female” strips a woman of her humanity, reducing her to her sexual parts, and people who use “female” tend to view women through that lens.


The Coneheads are a perfect example of a truly wonderful family of illegal immigrants who still contributed greatly to their society and the country they came to call their own. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So you’re not allowed to respond to people on the internet about your opinions? Wow I guess you better stop then, too, or you’re going to be “triggered” as well.

Yes, by my own definition, your use of the word creepy triggered me to respond. Thus, I too am triggered. Regardless, the fact that you find it creepy doesn’t make it so. It just means you, personally, find it creepy. Its foundation is based on your emotions and nothing more.


I would imagine since a lot of wow players are older more of them care more about it.

Yes, that is what it means, it is my opinion. Nowhere did I say it wasn’t just my opinion. You disagree with that opinion. I disagree with your opinion. I’m not sure why you’re so “triggered” about that.

The thread can end with this post. :slight_smile:

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College Humors we didn’t start the Flame war.

Strong language to those easily triggered only watch if you can handle it.

but its point about the person who did not start the flame war.

Because it’s getting so tired. Telling others what you personally find rude or offensive is very… well, personal. It’s individual. Everyone is different and we all find different things offensive/creepy/weird. Telling others doesn’t change their mind or enlighten them it only makes you feel better. You can hear something, disagree, and move on. Neither of us did this today. /shrug