When did the WoW community get so political?

Is this the point in time where someone says something like “Its not even Sunday yet.”?


What the what?

That’s the gender name. Male or Female. What do you call women…non-male? Is it because there’s male in the word? Are you creeped out with wo-man/wo-men?

What is wrong with you?


I know tried explaining that to her she is acting very weird.

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The males stalk the WoW forums looking for their prey. The females hide off in the distance. The males find an unsuspecting target and strike.

This is what you sound like when you use the words “males” and “females” instead of men and women. You sound like you’re narrating a nature documentary. We’re humans, it sounds weird when you refer to us as just our genders.

I’m not offended or “triggered” or enraged. I’m just telling you my opinion that it sounds weird/creepy when you refer to people just as their gender instead of men/women. Take that as you will.


I don’t really mind. People disagreeing with each other and talking about it is a good thing. The name calling and assuming people are dumb because they don’t agree with you, really is a little overkill. But expressing yourself and having people tell you they disagree is something we don’t get enough of anymore.

Yes, I think we all should learn from stories of mass genocide and ethnic cleansing. I would hope the lesson is obvious … but sadly, it isn’t.


If anything we get too much of it Look at Obama becoming president then Trump both sides were at each other throats mass riots etc…

Point is yes its a good thing shows our free speech has not been silenced too much… But it really does have no place in a video game…

Anywhere else even a college campus yes it has a place their. But games dont their meant to be escape from reality and all the troubles and meant to be fun.

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Wow. You have a lot of issues. There’s a whole lot of projecting going on in your posts. You hear a word and your crazed imagination draws some distorted picture of reality.


Stop white knighting. This person does not need your defense. Let them stand on their own two feet. That’s the problem with society as a whole right now. Everyone is defending everyone no matter how ridiculous their stance is. Being Being able to personally defend yourself without someone coming in to save the day.

Are you saying she/he/it/person needs your defense? Oh no, they are too weak and stupid to not defend themselves? triggering intensifies

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A political thread devolved into ad hominem attacks!? I simply can’t believe it!

We’ve lost the ability to disagree and see the other side as justified in their views. Bill O’Reilly and Jon Stewart had a debate in which they expressed starkly contrasting opinions but still hugged it out at the end. The “others” aren’t monsters, morons, or idiots; they just think differently than you. It’s hard to take in what the other side is saying when it’s natural to want to immediately jump to the defense of your own way of thought. But if we really LISTEN to each other instead of just trying to immediately COUNTER one another’s arguments we could start to heal.

So yeah, that’s not happening. RACE WAR!!


Noooo, Pook… but my guild name /cries

I’m not creepy, y’all I promise. This toon is just my WoW wife and I love her so much and dream about her being my wife with my other real life wife so we can all be three wives. It’s cool. Trust me. :slight_smile:

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Your guild name isn’t weird because it has the word “human” in front of it. What makes it weird is when it’s just “females” or “males”, that’s my point. That’s why people use “men” or “women” as shorthand instead of saying “human male” or “human female”.


Oh Florence, you’re still such a goofball. <3

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I put anyone talking politics, on either side, on ignore, and for the most part, my guild avoids any politics. Occasionally we may have to sshh someone, but we’ve never had an issue with it as far as I know.
I agree, we all need to be able to get away from it somewhere.

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Do you think that kind of rhetoric is helping? “That is how liberals think about most other people who don’t agree with them anyways”. Why? Why paint people with such broad strokes? The way that people attack one another without even trying to hear each other is depressing on a massive scale.


It’s actually way more common when dealing with things like polls to refer to people based on female/male, age, etc. Female/male includes adults, children, everyone with XX chromosomes. I’m not some out of touch person who is using the term wrong. You are actually not from this planet if you think someone looking at poll data would refer to people as women or men when 99.9% of the time you will be asked if you are male or female.

Good luck with your language policing that makes you look ridiculous. This is the first and probably the only time I will ever hear of someone complaining about this.


If someone is triggered by anything they NEED to hear it and stop being sheltered. Being sheltered and not able to deal with real life creates phycos that go off when they don’t like something.

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I’m genuinely curious if people go around referring to men as males in casual conversation. I’ve never heard anyone talk like that. And why do you keep trying to say that everyone is offended and triggered? You sound more offended and triggered than anyone else. How triggered did you have to be to switch your text to italics?


I dont bother trying to get along with anyone poltical be they Republican or Democrat in RL I just tell them to shut up basically if they bring up politics I am sick of it I am sick of Republicans I am sick of Democrats.

If I could silence both groups I would and rebuilt America with a new party A fully Moderate bipartisan one that worked together and not become trash like the current 2 parties have.

So you assumed that I didn’t think the women polled were humans… yeah I don’t think so. Anyway, I think that’s giving you enough attention at this point. You got me to respond I’ll give you that. Very unique style of trolling.

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