When did the WoW community get so political?

No. “Political correctness” is a right wing meme that was created for the purpose of being a meme.

Each side has views they will or will not tolerate. Your side is no different.

Your battle against justice will be unending.


Probably they can spell “illegal immigrants” better than you.

Bro, I hate to tell you, but there’s a huge Hispanic population in California and there are plenty who are legal. Also Hispanic people are all something like 70% Native American heritage, which means they are native to North America and their ancestors have lived in places like California for hundreds of years, way before your ancestors. We literally invaded and kicked them out, they came back, and now we’ve decided they’re here “illegally”. We’re the invaders, not them.


What do you mean by that question? Diversity is being forced absolutely everywhere. Affirmative action in schools, preferential hiring and promotions for minorities and women in every profession that I can think of. People are voting for political candidates based entirely on trying to make their government more ‘diverse’ which is perverse when you acknowledge that the only diversity that is valuable is intellectual diversity.

The only places diversity isn’t being forced is in jobs that are menial and not prestigious. We apparently have a huge need of LGBT2IA#5 purple haired mixed double minority race females to be head researchers at CERN but we don’t have that same need for those people to be cleaning septic tanks. Diversity is a joke.


Yes, if everyone looked like you everything would be great, and the systemic issues that are the cause of the issue would vanish if diversity wasn’t a thing.

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When I play, I usually don’t pay too much attention to what’s going on over the chat channels. I’m playing to just play.

I expect more discussions to happen in Orgrimmar and I’m never disappointed. I figure it’s just another style of play. I just shrug and do what I need to get done there and move on, That’s life in the big city.

As far as politics, that just is the biggest thing going on now. The US seems very divided.

Immigration is one of those issues. Heck I’m divided on it.

My wife comes from Colombia. She entered the K1 visa process and we got married. Three years later and she became a citizen. We’ve been married almost 8 years.

Essentially I do believe in coming over legally.

Our gardener is the brother of a friend of ours. He is from El Salvador. He is in his late 20s and came here illegally in his young teens.

He had a case pending and I wrote a letter for him. The reason is the type of person he is. In all the years he has been here, he has not once had so much as a parking ticket. He has never used any form of government assistance. He has been a great influence on his sister’s 3 kids, helping to keep them away from the temptations of gangs in a very poor and dangerous neighborhood. I considered him to be a good influence and an asset here. Unfortunately, he has to go. The court doesn’t believe his request for asylum has merit.

It’s a sad story, but that’s the direction that’s been chosen.

To conclude, this whole issue is filled with a lot of grey. It’s too simple to try and make this just a 2 sided argument. There are so many facets to this. Yes, I believe in legal immigration, but also in keeping those whom have behaved better than many of our own citizens.


Oh yes those darn feminists. How dare women want to be equal, and not abused and raped or even be shunned within gaming communities. Darn it all!!!1


When trolls found they could rile up more people with politics than by trashing the game :wink:

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This was me. The darn forum changes my character every time I log in an alt to play,

Not even 10% of females identify themselves as feminists when polled on it. Modern feminism has nothing to do with what you said. Everyone wants women to be equal, not abused or raped or shunned. Yet, almost no one is a feminist. Weird, right?


This post is ironic in so many ways.

I think most of it has to do with the fact that people are more (mis)informed than ever. Social media and the internet has given everyone a platform to speak. The exchange of information on this scale is a huge experiment on our evolution. It’s never been done before. I’m actually highly curious where it all takes us and where we end up.

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Even more fun fact is to remember your state’s history. It was owned by Mexico. Manifest Destiny took Americans out there, and a huge percentage of them went without applying for Mexican citizenship. They believed that where Americans went, America would follow.

We were the first illegal immigrants to California. Smile!


I started playing WoW again near the end of legion after a several year break. I couldn’t believe how much toxic right wing garbage was in trade chat and lfg. I don’t remember anything like it from Cata or MoP. It opened my eyes to the strong correlation between gamers and angry alt right trolls.


It’s actually 60% of women according to the Washington Post. 17% called themselves “strong feminists” and 43% called themselves “feminist”. 33% of men called themselves feminists, as well. You can Google the article if you don’t believe me, it’s titled “Poll: Feminism in the U.S.”.

Also please don’t refer to women as “females”, it’s super creepy.


The world is more polarized and tribal than it probably ever was.

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Why has America become so Divided

listed in 14 points

  1. The end of the Cold War

  2. The rise of identity-group politics

  3. Growing religious diversity

  4. Growing racial and ethnic diversity

  5. The passing of the Greatest Generation

  6. Geographical sorting

  7. Political party sorting

  8. New rules for Congress

  9. New rules for political parties.

  10. New political donors

  11. New political districts

  12. The spread of media ghettoes

13 The decline of journalistic responsibility

  1. The growing influence of certain ways of thinking about each other

Where it’s gonna take us is a good question. It’s hard to say. History teaches us that it’s just so hard to predict the future.

Sometimes it’s just fun to fantasize though. I just like to imagine if things were different and all of humanity -ALL OF IT- just pooled our resources and intellect and worked together. We’d be so powerful.

Just goes to show you how damaging illegal immigrants can be to the lands current population. These kinds of stories just solidify why we should enforce our current immigration laws. The Native Americans and the Mexicans history with illegal immigrants should be a cautionary tale all countries should be aware of.


All stems from the general population not standing up for themselves and letting things get out of hand. We are at a breaking point where half the people have had enough the other half has stockholm syndrome and bend over to take anything that is given to them.


Um Ive been on since MoP its always been there, more of late because of the political climate atm, but always has been there.