When can we see some class balance and some warlock love

Some warlock love for Destro and Demo??? They need buffs

Affliction is fine but jesus…wth happened with the other two specs

And why the hell are the two best covenants for warlocks…angels and farieys …


affliction need love too




I’m guessing 9.1, which they believe is going to happen in spring, not even available on ptr yet so a couple of months.

Blizzcon might show some more insight, I was actually hoping for atleast some aura buffs. Wishful thinking I guess.

I think why it might take longer for Warlocks I feel we need more then just an aura buff, we need talent rework or even a massive overhaul to compete.


But they gave chaos bolt a 22% buff! Isn’t that enough to hold us over for half a year or more?


Sorry to disapoint you but never gonna happen. They don’t read the forum and destro/demo have no priority in class fix.

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its safe to say that return until patch 9.3 then warlocks will be viable to play

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They really need to change Venthyr and Necro a bit. Venthyr is alright if you are hitting a group and its worth it otherwise Impending Catastrophe is just weak. Old Demonology needs to come back, Destruction is just really boring. Affliction is doing alright at least.


For Destro, it’s a simple solution, Destro by far is the most simplest of the specs, having on page only really in the skill book.

My solution…bring back Dimensional Rift, instant cast, 3 charges, 30 sec cooldown reduced by haste, works like legions take of it, % chance to cast an empowered rift. Will greatly helps flatten our burst period, and greatly help with dps on the move.


Since this is the way Blizzard seems to be going with every class now days, give us procs back, maybe casting incinerate has % to cause next chaos bolt to be instant cast cost no shards, they can even make this proc interact with soul fire, so we have a heavy hitter that’s instant, soul fire if talented that also applies Immolate and works with havoc.

Definitely needs an aura buff, spec wide, I personally would like to see the PvP Talent Master Summoner be baseline and Demonic calling actually reset the cooldown and provide the free cast… give us a way to summon more valuable Demons. Once again helps with mobility aswell and help flatten our ramp…

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Affliction is definitely not fine. We shouldn’t settle on spec design simply because it’s doing top numbers in a raid environment. The spec is clunky, tedious, cumbersome, and leaves a lot of room for error.

Covenants are another story. I couldn’t trust Blizzard to properly balance external power systems if they can’t even get all three specs on a somewhat even playing field to start.


I feel like Affliction is catered to the Elitist, it’s skill cap is way to high for general public, yes it provides amazing numbers if you play flawlessly, make one error in rotation, forget to maintain a dot in its pandemic window, your dps drops immediately.

For covenants, Decimating Bolt should give its proc use a 200% increase, Impending Catastrophe should receive a 30%-50% buff on the Target it is cast on, even with these changes it won’t be better as Night Faes soul rot but tighten the gap.

Door of Shadows reduced to 1 second cast time and Fleshcraft 2 seconds channel time would maybe see it have more use.

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you keep saying elitist as a way to generalize a group of players who are higher skilled than the average person and its been a common theme for the last 2 expansions or so this “elitist” boogeyman. They dont actually exist because high end players very very rarely step outside of their guild or established group of friends to pug with the “general public”. I’m normally a fan of your POVs but its getting really tedious reading “Elitist” as “better than I/We”.

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wanna fix affliction?

if you wanna fix aff the simplest way to smooth it is to bake contagion back into UA and kill SE or shift it elsewhere, or extend its timer by double


This is what I want.

Personally I think calling a player an Elitist is a compliment, I never knew being a highly skilled player or best at what you do to ever be something wrong.

I’ll be honest, I’m more envious then anything, I wish I had the skills/apm these players have to pump the numbers they do.

I use elitist as more a compliment, look at all Mythic Kills, literally 95% of Warlocks who have progressed in Mythic are Affliction/Night Fae, Demonic Synergy Legendary, and are all clones of eachother gear wise. They are Top Players, they are Elite, it’s nothing bad.

It’s a huge compliment if anything.

But I really do think Affliction rotation needs to be smoothed out and easier to manage for everyone else outside of “Great Players” :grin:.


afflic is not ok in pvp. with the mongo train rolling you never even have time to cast your no. 1 offensive spell-malific rapture. m. rapture should be made insta cast.


Might just want to start calling them “meta” players or something because elitist is definitely not a compliment in most cases.

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Should honestly do research on the myths and accounts about fae and angels…rival the horror of demons tbh.

Angels are actually not humanist at all and more like multiwinged multi eyes chimeras that sound like something from the cathulu mythos.
And fae can be as bad as demons in many reguards.

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It’s 100% clunky. It’s great numbers but not really fun to play. Clunky is the best way to describe it.

It’s pretty clunky after playing destro for years… I just rolled a fire mage and holy moly is it ridiculously good in comparison.