I don’t agree changing the spec entirely again for Meta, I do believe can get Meta back though with a simple talent…what I wrote in another thread…
All they had to do is remove the Talent Nether Portal currently not picked in any content, switch it with a cool name talent “Kanrethads Vengeance”, switching out tyrant to empower yourself.
We will never got a full rework mid expansion, what they should do is just turn it into a 1.5 min Dps CD, last 30 seconds (I say 30 seconds cause it’s not a fire and forget spell like Tyrant, we still have to do mechanics and human error while play), while in Demon Form you speak Demonic, refill soul Shards and increasing damage by X % of all abilities including summons and grant the ability Demonic Leap.
- Shadow bolt becomes Touch of Chaos.
- Hand of Gul’dan becomes Chaos wave.
Both abilities work just as their replacement, Touch of Chaos as a builder, Chaos Wave as a spender and summons Imps, just visually different.
Bam, we get Metamorphosis to a degree while not the same as MoP easy to put into in this currents rotation and gameplay of Demonology.
You like the current style of gameplay, Sacrificed Souls (needs to be buffed) and Demonic Consumption is their aswell, no one misses out they just talent how they prefer to play.
Think of this like what they did with Shadow Priests, depending on the talent they can go back to BFAs Void Form or just have it as a dps cooldown, both styles of play as an option.
Icing on the cake it will work with all legendaries and covenant aswell so no more work is required.

In reality it’s not hard to bring back metamorphosis to fit into Shadowlands current iteration of Demonology from a players perspective although would need work to be done on their side, but it comes down to really if Blizzard wants to.