When can we see some class balance and some warlock love

Hell in most mythos fae are basically eldritch abominations in your backyard. Like Old Gods but born here

That’s not even touching that NF is explicitly the cov of people like Bwonsamdi or that bastion are really creepy controlling necromancers with wings. A lot of folks understanding of the covs seens 100% based on aesthetics

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cant argue there, its really not fun to play despite having pretty good output.

you are very much in the minority here lmfaoooo but got it got it now the statement makes a bit more sense :laughing:

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Yeah I had a frost mage sitting around and compared to my lock people die in mere moments vs 10 minutes of dampening

First time warlock main. Some things I find would help each of the specs.

Affliction: overall in a pretty good place. Seed of Corruption seems pretty bad over all - only use in m+ and its once per trash pack to apply corruption. Maybe I’m using it wrong, but aside from a flat damage buff to the spell it would be interesting if it applied more than just corruption. Say for instance roll dots on primary target - seed - when it goes off spreads all dots affected by original target. This might be asking for too much, but personally speaking affliction has a long ramp up time and once you finally get moving the pack is pretty much already dead. Other than that affliction feels fine imo in raid.

Demo: I did post this in another thread so will put this in here to see what others opinions are. I think for one they can get rid of mana pool resource - replace it with something similar to warrior/spriest/ele - abilities/demons generate x resource over time. Upon reaching 100% transform into old school meta ability and lasts x amount of time. During meta abilities are empowered ie shadow bolt turns into chaos wave - instead of immo aura provide aura to summoned demons providing them with flat damage and/or haste buff. Can also give meta charges of HoG maybe 2-3 and make them instant cast or shorter cast time.

Destruction: really needs some help tbh. damage buff all around similar to frost mage most recent buff to all abilities would be a good start. Turret play style just doesn’t really work in todays game. Hunters aside from aimed shot are pretty mobile, mages have blink and fire specifically can use scorch while moving, which brings me to my next point - once upon a time warlocks had searing pain - bring that back and allow us to use while moving. Also pretty sure warlocks at one point had an ability that enabled them to cast while moving - think ele shams have something as well that allows them to cast while moving for a short period of time. Would be nice to see something like that make an appearance as well. Honestly could be a 45s-1 min cd - one charge in addition to bringing back searing pain and being able to use that ability while moving.

Just some of my thoughts on how each spec could see some improvement. Again first time I have really cared to main a warlock and would be curious to hear feedback.


it makes me so mad that I can’t transmog Venthyr weapons, so so mad, the blink is great and obviously soul rot is a must but damn those Venthyr swords, daggers, and staves are so badass

I don’t agree changing the spec entirely again for Meta, I do believe can get Meta back though with a simple talent…what I wrote in another thread…

All they had to do is remove the Talent Nether Portal currently not picked in any content, switch it with a cool name talent “Kanrethads Vengeance”, switching out tyrant to empower yourself.

We will never got a full rework mid expansion, what they should do is just turn it into a 1.5 min Dps CD, last 30 seconds (I say 30 seconds cause it’s not a fire and forget spell like Tyrant, we still have to do mechanics and human error while play), while in Demon Form you speak Demonic, refill soul Shards and increasing damage by X % of all abilities including summons and grant the ability Demonic Leap.

  • Shadow bolt becomes Touch of Chaos.
  • Hand of Gul’dan becomes Chaos wave.

Both abilities work just as their replacement, Touch of Chaos as a builder, Chaos Wave as a spender and summons Imps, just visually different.

Bam, we get Metamorphosis to a degree while not the same as MoP easy to put into in this currents rotation and gameplay of Demonology.

You like the current style of gameplay, Sacrificed Souls (needs to be buffed) and Demonic Consumption is their aswell, no one misses out they just talent how they prefer to play.

Think of this like what they did with Shadow Priests, depending on the talent they can go back to BFAs Void Form or just have it as a dps cooldown, both styles of play as an option.

Icing on the cake it will work with all legendaries and covenant aswell so no more work is required.

In reality it’s not hard to bring back metamorphosis to fit into Shadowlands current iteration of Demonology from a players perspective although would need work to be done on their side, but it comes down to really if Blizzard wants to.

Yeah that is a fair point probably not something blizzard is willing to do even at the start of the expansion definitely something they could have done going into the expansion.

I like the idea of turning it into a talent don’t think it would be anything difficult to do. Only problem and can really say this for all talents for the most part there is just no variety and if meta were to become a talent rather than something baked into the demo would be that depending on how strong it is, at that point its just going to be 100% selected, but that’s been an issue since the dawn of time old & new talent tree system.

I feel like demo is definitely missing something though. I played it enough just to get through twisting corridor layer 8. I would be on board though to play demo more if not main spec if they decided to add meta back

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Realistically if they could tune the talent to be close to Demonic Consumption, it will be great, I’ll be honest even if it was a dps loss I’d still most likely pick the Metamorphosis Talent just for nostalgia.

MoP Demo to me was the best version we had.