Beyond the fact that Taurajo wasn’t even the first peaceful Tauren village in the Barrens that the Alliance decided to slaughter
The Kul Tirans tried to genocide the orcs in Durotar. (and indirectly caused the Cata war due to their devastation of Durotar’s natural fauna)
Jaina tried to destroy Orgrimmar.
Theramore troops were planning on burning down Org and the Echo isles.
The Dwarves send adventurers out to kill ice troll children specifically.
The Humans tried to genocide the forest trolls
The Night elves tried to unleash the remaining plaguelands scourge on the blood elves by destroying their last remaining defenses.
The Night elves didn’t care about the Tauren being genocided by Cenarius’ children.
The draenei didn’t care that their presence on draenor meant the orcs and ogres were almost certainly going to die due to the legion annihilating every planet they had previously settled in.
The alliance can get off it’s high horse. They do the same crap, just are generally more incompetent about it.