When are we getting normal flying?

Not everyone who dislikes dragon riding is botting or multiboxing. The part about not requiring extra button presses beyond what ground movement requires and the AFK benefit are both true, though


I got a new mount and i cant use it

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Player: I bought a new flying mount, but I can’t use it in the current expansion.
Blizzard: Double check, just to be sure: you bought a mount from our store?
Player: Yes.
Blizzard: Thank god, we have your money. [ends communication]


cannot use my hogrus mount, only for ground walking

so what, how does someone else riding a slow, stupid mount affect you? sound a bit bitter and nasty


…am imagining a nervous-looking Hogrus with a worgen riding in his back. His fat, meaty, succulent back, all the while licking their chops and carrying a knife and fork in one hand and dreaming of bacon…


I can’t use my big fantastic Love Rocket to fly here…I miss my rocket…

Quite honestly I wish we could give up this dragon flying and go back to normal flying …yes its slow…yes its wonderful to be on my druids in flight form to pick herbs…its wonderful I can use my Love Rocket I finally got last year…I’d give up dragon flying for normal flying.


I’m &%@"! bored of flying with this ordinary dragon. All the players have it. It does not have anything special. When can I use my favorite mount? It took me months to get it, and i can’t use it. Such bull@$#!..


I kind of want normal flying again, but faster.

i dont mind the dragon flying really

things i want from it

hover mods costs 3 v

gain v from white wind at 7 sec

stronger ground pound

more V nodes

do a barrle roll without going faster

dragon breath

gain v faster on the ground

swim better in the water

You don’t need regular flying.

All that other stuff you said? Have at it and have fun. Just as long as I get my simple slow form of flying. It won’t actually hurt anyone. I swear. /crosses heart

There’s a lot of that going on around here. Kinda sad, really. Not being able to understand that someone might just, I don’t know… like something different.

Those all sound like Bizzard problems. In fact they are Blizzard problems. Regular flying allows people to enjoy the game the way they want while leaving those who enjoy dragon riding the ability to enjoy the game the way they want to as well. Just as long as they are able to contain their displeasure upon seeing people on their regular old slow poke mounts. It’s apparently a hard thing judging by oh so many comments in this thread and others. lol


I can be patient but I do look forward to being able to spread my druid wings.

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your druid flight form is a small dragon in the dragon isles

This is true. It’s blizzard’s problem that they have to consider designing/ balancing an mmorpg around players that have no interest in actually playing an mmorpg.

Are some players so short sighted that they actually believe this is only about enjoyment? And pretend that the in-game economy doesn’t exist or isn’t impacted by botters or wod alt army enthusiasts? Dumb question, the answer is yes.

There’s no going back, sorry dudes.

For normal people playing a video game is all about enjoyment. And no I couldn’t care less about the in-game economy.


That’s a pretty incredible leap of logic. That a player wanting to move around slowly has no interest in actually playing an mmorpg.

I very much enjoy playing an mmorpg. I’ve been playing one for probably 15 years or so. If I want to play something that has flying physics, I’ll hop in a plane in GTA. Just so it’s clear, I do actually like dragon riding. Just not using it as my only form of flight. Again, so much confusion. It’s quite baffling.

It’s a product meant to be enjoyed, last I checked, and that enjoyment dosen’t hurt you.

So again… That is not the players problem.


I could probably live with that but I do love my stormcrow variant


Why not? Were you being genuine earlier about not seeing why someone would like old flying?

Okay, I think I see what you’re saying here so let me extend the olive branch. If I’m understanding correctly, you enjoy the in game economy and it is an important factor for you. You may feel like people are dismissing your worries about having a mechanic of the game impacted for the sake of their own enjoyment. Is that about right?

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