When are Void Elves getting Paladin?

They can be high elves now, darkfallen now, but still no paladin. I know it’s coming in this expansion but why the delay? Why can’t I start the expansion as the race and class of my choosing? Instead I have to wait what…? 1-2 patches? What’s the point of that? Just to get a race change out of me partway through? That or force me to lose all my progress and make a brand new character wasting a lot of time. I just hate the stupid idea of putting classes on new races in the middle of an expansion. Is it so much to ask to want to start the expansion as the race/class combo of my choice? It’s also why Allied races were such a stupid idea. Take all that time to unlock it halfway through an expansion only to have to level it up and gear it again.


After we punch a void lord?

It’s not much but sooner you might get half elf customizations for human paladins. :hourglass::robot:


I would say it doesn’t match with the void elf theme…but we threw those sort of ideas out the window a few expansions ago


When are they getting a decent racial ability?

My Paladin would love to be a void elf.

I’m one of those people who thinks there’s just, like… there’s really not enough options for paladin. On alliance, if you don’t like dwarf or draenei, then human is the only good option and human is so boring lol

No one has said all races will be open to all classes anytime soon.
I don’t see why you are only asking for Void elf paladin. It doesn’t make sense but instead why not ask when all races are open to all classes?

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I’m not opposed to opening up more race/class combos but if they take the time to add anything to void elves, it should be more void customization.


That’s not even a half elf. If the only thing elf-like on that half elf is an ear customization, then that’s pretty darn lazy. No lankier body models, changed facial structures… etc. WHy even bother. Half elf could have been its own race with how much there is you could do with that.

They have said they are working on it, but they can’t give us an exact timeframe. It is more than just adding a class, it is also the lore behind them too, which needs to be worked on, which can be harder for some races, such as Goblin Druids for example.

This :100:


Because apparently Paladin looks to be opening to everyone soon with the Tyr thing going on. Which will obviously go further in War Within once we are a few patches in.

All classes for all races is dumb

They have to stretch super far to make some happen


I feel like the high elf experience needs to be finished first. You play a void elf and you’re set, right? There’s nothing unvoid about void elf. Anything else is a bonus. But try to be the high elf sub race and you have problems with the voice, the hair styles, and of course the classes it can play. Paladin should def be a high elven available class. There’s at least nothing stopping a high elf from being a paladin as we’ve seen a few already.

Where did you see this?

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The whole tyr’s questline is very obviously setting up Paladin’s for all races.

That’s not proof at all.

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That questline doesn’t prove anything.


It shows substance for something when there was nothing at one point. I mean it offers an in game explanation for the new paladins. Plus! The mount was a big deal for opening new paladin races, right? But if it was part of Tyr, then all new paladins who are part of tyr order could just use a generic Tyr mount that does not have to go into racial lore to pull it from. It’s so easy it basically writes itself. Except it didn’t write itself it’s blizz setting this up so obviously.

I don’t care that people want to head canon that their void elf is really a high elf, but the high elf crowd has been getting more and more customization in the race since it came out while void fans have gotten basically nothing.

Honestly elves have already gotten enough attention as it is, but if they want to add more stuff the least they could do is give void elves some customization befitting of what the race actually is.


So now after 20 Years of WoW, you can be a half-elf. You’d think it would have been its separate race since the beginning…