When are Onyxia and Molten Core Opening on Anniversary Realms?

In that case no guild will finish the content if they push it back. Seems there’s no room to move it back after all. Lucky we got to the bottom of it.

Then it doesn’t matter what you say either

MC comes out tomorrow. Deal with it, or quit :person_shrugging:

Well obviously I hope you’re right. If my experience in WoW through Vanilla and the last classic launch has taught me anything though, I don’t think you are.

If people don’t care enough to be ready day 1, they don’t care enough to actually put in the effort to clear everything. It’s simple logic that’s been true in all of WoW’s history.

I wanted to be in that intial crowd so I could be safe in the knowledge that I wouldn’t need to worry for the third time about clearing everything. Now I’m back in stress mode that I might be wasting my time. Again, for the third time.

What about RP realms? Is that going to happen? If not, why?

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This is a forum to discuss things.

We’re discussing how more time to level would be better.

Dont like it? Dont read it.

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You’re right, so you should discuss things instead of just going “no you’re wrong and/or high”

If this is the logic you run on then it’s no wonder you have problems finding a guild

When you say silly things like how it isnt 3 weeks tomorrow then you get called out on it.

Deal with it.

Forgive me for being frustrated for wanting to be ready to raid day one and playing the game for so many hours a day at first that I was literally falling asleep in my chair out of boredom/burnout and then come to find out it wasn’t enough to even meet the grace period.

Seems like a reasonable thing to be upset about when you’ve put a lot of time into something.

Agreed, they dropped the ball hard with this decision.


Joined the same server as some old buddies, small guild, they ended dipping because their buddy the guild leader is a real “sweats”. Almost 2 lvl 60s…!!! :joy:.
lol I’m enjoying my self just got one toon to 31 this past weekend. I feel no need to rush especially like I did when classic 1st launched. Burnt my self out getting like That toon to almost 60 in like 4-5 weeks!

So then why did they delay the MC/Ony release at all to begin with…?

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Funneling people into raid instances as fast as possible is kind of what they do now.

Bros gotta parse and get pHaT lOoTz !!

Yeah that would be a pretty silly thing to say. Which I didn’t. I said Monday marks the last day of week 4, minus 2 days because the servers launched on Thursday instead of Tuesday

Week 1: November 19-25, minus 2 for mid-week launch
Week 2: Nov 26-Dec 2
Week 3: Dec 3-9
Week 4: Dec 10-16

I’m confused then why you would choose Classic to play instead of Cata or Retail, which have way more engaging raid content than anything Vanilla could even hope to compare to, and a much faster and more relaxed leveling experience

The pacing is fine but come TBC please slow it down significantly


Are you daft?

It’s November 21 - tomorrow = 3 weeks.

Were you home schooled?

A fair point. I never got to experience the full of vanilla/TBC (read: raids) so I’m just trying not to miss it.

Please stop embarrassing yourself further and learn to read. MONDAY, the day that I am talking about, the last day of a reset before it rolls over on Tuesday, is not tomorrow. I said that Monday, which is 4 days after tomorrow, is the end of the 4th week of fresh servers, with a grace of 2 days due to the servers not launching for 2 days after the weekly reset. I did not once in this topic claim that tomorrow was 4 weeks after launch day

Read what you wrote and listen to how ridiculous you sound.

November 21 to tomorrow is 3 weeks.

Monday, resets, etc, are irrelevant.

Lay off the drugs.

The 16th isnt a month.

The 19th is a month after release.

You need to go back to school.

Alright I can see I’m just wasting my time with a room temp IQ. You feel free to keep throwing a fit if you want :person_shrugging: