When are horde getting more druid races?

While I don’t care to play the “equivalency game,” I’m bored, so I’ll bite.

Kul Tirans are the only Allied Race that were built from the ground up instead of being modified from an existing race.

They gave the Alliance the Blood Elf model a few years back.

I’m not crazy enough to count “half of the Dracthyr having a look a third of the time” as having access to human females, but if we’re really reaching that far, then the Alliance got another flavor of Blood Elf (which they should be fine with, since they really seem to want as many versions of the thing as possible)

Alliance players can still visit Thunder Totem despite the Highmountain going Horde, they can visit Suramar and receive the same level of hospitality as Horde players, and they’re still allowed in Ratchet despite Gazlowe going from “super Horde-leaning” to “actual Horde leader” when he took over the Bilgewater Cartel.

Ratchet is kind of notable compared to Gilneas and Bel’ameth, considering it actually has some of the services major cities provide.


Probably the same time the Alliance do.
That’s generally how it works.

You can be a dinosaur

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Night Elf
Kul Tiran


Highmountain Tauren
Zandalari Troll

Horde have 4 races that can be druid, Alliance have 3. But sure, keep thinking Horde are the ones being ignored. I swear, Horde will do everything to believe they get the short end of the stick.

And if you are saying they’re just two of the same race - Zandalari have different druid forms than trolls, so that argument doesn’t work.

  1. No, they did not.
  2. They aren’t the wrath Mechagnomes and you know it.

Because they’ve been on the Alliance for 13 years. Get over it.

Horde were given the female human model/skeleton with Dracthyr. Alliance were not given something in exchange. We already had access to the male blood elf skeleton.

But they do. Which is why Alliance should be given 2 horde city access in exchange.

Again, no they did not. One or two people screaming for it doesn’t mean the Alliance wanted them. There were far more people who wanted Sethrak than ever wanted Mechagnomes. You’re just twisting things to fit your agenda that the Horde are “less loved” by the devs when everything says otherwise.

And if your argument is “They asked for it” - then we should have been given High Elves over Void Elves - Literally no one asked for Void Elves, but there’s thousands of posts about High Elves.

And this is coming from someone who does not want High Elves. Your logic is flawed.

Horde get everything they want with no modifications made to justify it. Alliance get what they want modified and get told to be happy with what we got.

Nothing. We already have the male blood elf model through Void Elves - Dracthyr gave the Alliance nothing.


To be fair, mention of Mechagnomes over the years was not so much a request as a thought exercise.

“If Blizzard were to add subraces, what would gnomes get? Leper Gnomes?”
“Eww, I hope not. Mechagnomes would be better, I guess…”

The Horde’s requests were granted on a silver platter.

They wanted Mag’har? They got Mag’har, with a variety of customizations to allow them to immerse themselves as any clan. (The only drawback to the playable Mag’har is them coming from the AU)

They wanted Zandalari? They got Zandalari, complete with highly unique dino-druid forms, and Prelates. I mean… there never should have been any question about them getting prelates, but for some inane reason Blizzard was resistant to it. Horde players wanted their prelates though, so Blizzard gave it to them.

They wanted Nightborne? They got Nightborne. Sadly nothing at all like the NPCs. Modified Night Elves, really. Eventually the Nightborne did get some good customization options, but they still need some more love. Still, their lore and story were all amazing, and they were a major aspect of one of WoW’s better expansions. Both sides wanted Nightborne; the Horde got them (which to be fair only made sense given the Blood Elves).

They wanted Vulpera? They got Vulpera. Folks on both factions were interested in the Vulpera, but the writing on the wall was that they would go Horde. Alliance players consoled themselves that hopefully they could get the equally interesting Sethrak as a consolation prize but… Mechagnomes.

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Sadly Dragonmaw Orcs aren’t a part of this. WoD should have gotten Dragonmaw Orcs in the clans of the Iron Horde riding rylaks. What a shame we did’nt get them. Now we don’t still have the Dragonmaw Clan in the Mag’har Orc customizations.

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And as mentioned above, this trend shamelessly continues by giving the Horde access to Dwarves while the Alliance… gets nothing again. You’re supposed to be excited about a third recolor race. Yeah, that’s not biased at all. :sweat_smile:
As if Mechagnomes and Kul Tirans weren’t embarrassing enough, and honestly, Void Elves are also a joke with their few tents in the void as a home, compared to Suramar, their barely existent and questionable lore, the copy&paste models instead of adapting them, and their minimal customization options. So honestly, when it comes to races, as well as some other things, what the devs are doing is just toxic.


They should add it to Forsaken, then they can have worgen form with tails as their feral form and just threat them like fallen Gilneans. You know, for helping out our Gilnean boys reclaim their city. As a thank you the Forsaken get all their dead loved ones for a second life.

Honestly it’s time for any race, to be any class. I don’t see the point of the restrictions, now that we don’t even really have factions.

Let me have a Blood Elf Shaman or Druid.

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They identified two player demographics that were being underserved, ie players who would do literally anything to play characters of every race, and players who would do literally anything to earn mogs that are unique, even if they will never use them. They locked both of these behind massive grinds that are designed to fill the void in expected content droughts.

I think there are a number of reasons why allied races are bad ideas, which is why they stopped creating them for two expansions. I think it’s a bad sign for gameplay that they are back.

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I hope The Horde never gets more druid races. Those races are terrible and the poor druids are kept in inhumane conditions, forced to run in travel form all so goblins can gamble their wages away.

It’s sick.

Yeah but the mechagnomes we wanted were the northrend ones… not the ones we got.

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