When are horde getting more druid races?

Wasn’t this thread of yours talking about druid classes…? So why are you are talking about races which furthermore…

No. They are excellent reasons as to why the Allied Races concept was a huge win and really good for the game though.

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I can still remember pretty well that back then people specifically requested not to get Diaper Gnomes forced on them. And as expected, hardly anyone plays the race.

Instead of responding to where the counterpart to Dwarves in the Horde is, you simply ask why the Horde didn’t get Dark Irons… kay.

Thanks to the Drakthyr, the Horde now has access to the female human model, alongside a female Worgen reskin if you count the dragon form.

However, the fact remains that the Horde gained access to two Alliance cities, and the devs even went one step further by making it still a half-world journey to Gilneas for the Alliance, while the Horde has a flight point adorned with Sylvanas banners right on the spot.


Alliance players begged for playable mechagnomes for years. Then it happened and they said “we never asked for playable mechagomes”.

But that’s how Alliance players are.

I don’t have a Dracthyr. What’s the Alliance version get?

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Alright… I guess we can spare ourselves a discussion here. You do you.


No, I’m curious. You’re mad that Dracthyr “give” Horde female humans.

So what’s the Alliance Dracthyr version give Alliance?

Yeah I do understand it but imagine if they put more effort into them and gave them BFA model care. Instead the creative work we got was replication of races we already have.

When the Alliance gets two or more new druid races, or they expand the class to every or almost every race. There’s the eternal back-and-forth of “the Horde has more options” vs. “Highmountain tauren don’t count”, but the fact is that both factions had an even number of races that could be druids from vanilla to the patch that made Kul Tirans and Zandalari playable, so the disparity is pretty glaring.

I think it’s more that the mechagnomes they wanted were Titanforged robots like Mimiron, combined with the possibility of the mechagnomes we eventually got being added over the million other NPC races people were asking for, especially sethrak.

If there’s any race Alliance players begged for and then denied begging for when they finally got it, it would be the earthen. As soon as they were announced, people rushed to complain that they’re not sethrak, gnolls, or the new humanoid nerubians.

Dracthyr use the same visage models for both factions. Their male visage uses the male blood elf rig, which the Alliance already had access to through void elves, while the female human rig on the Horde is new. It’s not really giving the Horde female humans, though, since the female visage looks vastly different.

Indeed. And then they’d be complaining even MORE about lack of transmog and customization. :laughing:

The people asking for playable mechagnomes - and there were a ton of them - just never thought it through. It was the equivalent of a 2-year-old saying “I want a pony”.

Which is why I had a similar reaction to Taunka, above. I’m like… whoa… might want to take a second look at those guys.

That’s what I figured. So the Alliance didn’t “win” anything because they already have everything. Hilarious.

Thank you for the reply.

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Would be better than mechagnomes imo.


I really can’t take anyone who thinks mechagnome vs vulpera was a fair exchange seriously. It’s just not possible.

No amount of gaslighting that you saw 4 forum posts back in Wrath about “people wanting mechagnomes” justifies it either. Maybe as an expanded gnome customization or something, sure. But as the counter to a whole new race the Horde gets? Yeah… no.


It was everywhere, for years. Sorry you’re new to the forums and never saw it.

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Yet here we are. Tons of vulpera everywhere, none of these so-called mechagnomes around. Kinda funny that the reality of today doesn’t support your anecdotal claims based on the WoW forums in 2008, huh?

Besides, you’re moving the goal post and missing the point, as expected. Mechagnomes were simply not a fair exchange for vulpera, and I refuse to believe you’re so blinded by your hatred of Alliance to see that.

Mechagnomes use a slightly modified gnome rig to create a race wih even less transmog options than dracthyr, and are functionally gnomes with mechanical parts.

Vulpera use a slightly modified goblin rig to create an entirely different race with its own lore, history and theme that has nothing to do with goblins.

Alliance got a customization, Horde got a new race. This isn’t up for debate, it’s an objective fact.

Also earthen are an honorable mention. Alliance gets their 3rd dwarf while Horde gets an Alliance race. But I’m sure you’ll somehow twist that into an Alliance bias. Somehow.

“Druid,” lorewise, you’re more or less right (I think there’s some room to argue in favor of Pandaren here).

“Druid,” mechanics wise, not so much. Kind of like how, ‘Sunwalkers,’ and, ‘Prelates,’ aren’t Paladins but make use of the class mechanics, I could easily see, “Botanists,” for Blood Elves/Nightborne.

Yes lets give Elves even more what a good idea NOT. Should be given to Vulpera if anything actually would make sense for them to have learned Druidism from Zandalari Exiles.

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Counter part for Vulpera is Kul’tiran, Dwarves on Horde should never happen and the visage being a human has been controversial among Horde players since it’s exception with people wanting to choose their visage form there happy?

I think that they should work in a Forsaken druid.
Let’s say a group of worgen druids got buried in unmarked graves and got infected with the plague seeping down into their burial grounds. But instead of being accepted as worgen once they were reanimated, they were shunned into hiding until the liberation of Lordaeron, where they then joined up with the Forsaken.

They said a year n a half ago-ish that they’ll be slowly rolling out all the race/class combos minus Evoker unless they change their mind on that down the road.

Already a Blood Elf Druid in game since TBC.

The Mechagnomes the Alliance got are absolutely not the Mechagnomes that people were enticed by in earlier expansions.

They wanted the robots, not the cyborgs (hence the heritage armor). I’m not even a fan of either ‘version’ but you’re absolutely out to lunch if you think what was delivered was what was at all desired. Come on, this is weak nonsense.


Yep exactly In due time undead paladins will exist. They confirmed they want to eventually do away with the technicalities of race/classes but the question is when will they make it official.

At this point in retail I don’t think it matters either.

That day can’t come fast enough. Crush the idiocy that is race restrictions on class membership.

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