When are horde getting more druid races?

I feel like horde has been ignored when it comes to druid races. It’s been tauren and trolls for years now when are we gonna get some more openings? If I had things my way I would at least give them to Nightborne and Blood Elves since I refuse to play a avatar troll or beef patty.

2024 btw.


Whenever Alliance also gets druid race/class combos. They’ll do them all together. It’s gonna be shammy and/or pally before druid since it takes less assets to have shammy or pally for all races than for druids.

Also Horde have more druid race options than Alliance. Alliance has Nelf, worgen, and kultiran. Horde has Highmountain tauren and normal tauren, trolls and zandalari trolls.


I mean Kul tiran human, night elf and worgen are so much more unique in comparison. we got a cow, a troll version 1 and a troll version 2.


I think the Horde druid forms look better than the Alliance once, with the Kultiran forms being the coolest of the Alliance even though I don’t care to play Kultrian.

I wish they’d had let everyone be druids this patch since we’re dealing with the Emerald Dream.


ugh im so sick and tired of thinking about “Allied races” why did they even do it. seems beyond lazy as frick to me. All the races we could of had but instead we just got replicated races with a fresh set of pain WHICH SHOULD HAVE JUST BEEN ADDEED TO THE ORIGINAL RACES?

I think i need a vacation from mmos. after 20 years I think i just get overly upset over being to invested. /sigh rant.


boomy yes with a glyph im sorry but i enjoy transmog and hate it gets shuned due to shape shifting

Literally none of the Horde races make sense to be druids other than the ones you got. Both elf races are deeply rooted in the arcane side of things which is pretty anti nature. Orcs have 0 nature affinity same with goblins and Forsaken.

But the real answer is who cares about the lore in this game anymore anyway. Definitely not Blizzard. The real issue isn’t the canonical reasons why druids don’t make sense for a race and the culture the player would have been expected to grow up in, but really all the unique assets it would require. It is a lot easier for Blizzard to design a pally racial mount (take a base racial mount, slap armor on it, give it a glow effect, and send it) or unique shaman totems.

This doesn’t make sense unless we were getting the ability to class change with it. We’re already fundamentally what we are when we go to the dream and wouldn’t just magically change. We didn’t change into shamans when we entered the firelands nor do we all have passive warrior classes since there is fundamentally nothing special about being a warrior other than the training and not skipping leg and arm day (though Thrall seems to imply it is possible since he went from warrior → shaman → warrior again).

What has to change is the starting experience and the cultures adopting druidism as a baseline. The moment we spawn into the game for the first time, we’ve some measure of knowledge and skill with the class (and with life experiences to boot since we’re adults). We’re not just empty templates. An orc grew up in orcish culture where there are exactly 0 druids around.

Well if you care about lore anyway. Highly doubt it’ll be more than just a token NPC and unlocking the option and a “orcs could always be druids”.

This may be why everyone’s invited to Emerald Dream and why it even exists ingame.

ED could be the catalyst for spreading druids everywhere. Would take some time to do though, I’d think and since they’ve had layoffs (Idk how WoW has been affected directly) this may take some time yet.

Because players have a habit of seeing any new NPC race, pointing their finger at it and saying they want it as a playable race. Then if Blizzard doesn’t do it they lose their minds. I imagine they would have been customization options for some but through a mix of the game’s architecture, and the fact Blizzard chose to make them long distant relatives that it would make it weird. Like for example a Highmountain Tauren questing in Mulgore despite supposed to being so far removed from them. Nightborne is another case.

I think ultimately there was about 90 different things they wanted Allied Races to be, because the first batch was mostly about adding in races to the other faction. Then to sate the obsessive whininess of void elf posters they started just making customization options become more elaborate as they tried to pander to the high elf crowd that was never going to shut the hell up.


No I’m fine with them. I even remember seeing the new priest/paladin NPCs and even seeing a little scene I think with Hammul and/or Baine where they explain the source of their power being from the sun instead of druids who get it from the moon/elune. It was cool/neat.

This was at the same time when NE’s gained mages back and there was a scene with an exiled or something mage petitioning Tyrande to listen and accept mages back into society which was a big deal considering night/high elf lore.

That’s basically advocating for class changing which I expect it going to be a thing in the future anyway.

We already seen this legit happen anyway. I don’t remember the name, but back in Legion, there was literally a night elf priestess who decided the spoken word wasn’t good enough anymore and a 2H sword/mace did it better…a priest turned paladin.

I don’t know their past nor do I really know or care about the NPCs flitting about the game world.

Even taking your stance and running with it, again, it proves my point of necessitating the starting experience. Literally from level 1, you are what you are and presumably have spent years learning the basics and fundamentals of being that. The world of level 1’s is stuck in a Cata world. Orc NPCs who somehow are effectively classless but yet somehow also seemed to gain enough skill and knowledge in druidism has to exist to teach child orcs how to be a druid.

This is why I said the lore doesn’t matter because it’s just easier to handwave it away and say “no for real guys, orcs can just be druids” than actually change the lore to properly reflect that.

Or do the likely easier thing and just let “magic” solve it and have some new game feature infuse us with knowledge matrix style. Probably how they’ll get around problematic lore things like giving access to more classes to Dracs considering, canonically, all dracs are test tube creations of Neltharion and specifically created to be evokers who all literally have no knowledge of anything but that.

If you think slapping moose antlers on an existing race makes a whole new one, I’m happy to have Blizzard slap moose antlers on your Nelf, worgen, and kultirans and you’ll have 6 races that can play Druids.


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also a moose. don’t forget the moose. technically, horde has more druid races than alliance do.

Ogres, Jinyu, Taunka, Arakkoa, Tuskarr, Centaurs, Ethereals, Vrykul these are all fair choices that could have been possible over copy pasta races. If anything they should have “BAKED” the fantasy of a diffrent tribe or concept within the dwarf/troll system as a hybrid race if anything. While allied races was something actually unique.

You win. I give up.

Have you looked at the Taunka, up-close?

The male Taunka face has never been fixed, since Wrath alpha.

And there is no female Taunka.

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So… when will the Alliance get a fair counterpart for Vulpera? Where is the Alliance counterpart to Horde dwarves? Where is the counterpart for female humans? Where are two neutral Horde cities for the Alliance? etc.
Seriously, somehow almost every post from you tries to portray the Horde as neglected, even though team red continues to get more from the devs.


They did, they asked for playable mechagnomes since Wrath and had an entire zone and dungeon added to the game just to justify their addition.

Better question is why Dark Irons weren’t a Horde race in the first place.

I don’t even know what this means.

Horde shouldn’t have access to any Alliance cities. But then again, the game shouldn’t be entirely about the Alliance, but it is.

I would be DELIGHTED to never have to have done Tyrande’s tea party. But she’s the focus of the game, so we have to.