When are Gdruid buffs coming?

He provides some good feedback an bears. We just need some major adjustments that are not the borrowed power that are shoved at us and then taken away.


Vengeance doesn’t have Fel Eruption at all talent or no. Wowhead isn’t super accurate with that stuff so it’s not a big deal, just wanted to point out that the stun situation across the six tanks isn’t quite as it was presented.

Okay thanks for the feedback. Will make sure to be more thorough in my information gathering next time.

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I see what you did there!

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Emphasis on the a, of course.


You are quite literally delusional.

Please show me at which point I celebrated?

How am I defending the indefensible? Because I defended my statement that Druids were capable? Are they not capable?

Did I say it was good that they were only capable?

Then what is your point? That we’re a Grade D class instead of a Grade F class? Well then a /slowclap for you then. :roll_eyes:


Life is hard if you can’t/won’t read. But don’t worry your snide remarks will earn you some favor amongst your peers.

The majority of the end game player base is somewhere between normal/heroic and mythic+0 to mythic+15. At which points bears are actually just fine. For the majority of the playerbase the only problem for bears is a problem of stigma.

For the top end, bears are capable, but not good or desired. This contributes to the stigma, but is otherwise not a problem for the majority of the playerbase.

I would like a buff. I would like my bear to be more desirable. But for the content I’m doing the shortcomings of bears really don’t matter.

I think somewhere along the line you have fallen under an illusion as to my position.

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So basically you were wrong and you want to argue about the word capable. alright lol.

EDIT: Also, I tanked 4/8 Mythic raid and did higher than 15+ keystones last patch. There are also other people here complaining that are mythic raiders.

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Huh? In what way was I wrong? Seriously who educated you?

Please go back and read the whole thread.

Someone stated that Druids were only fine in mythic+ 20. I stated that wasn’t really a problem for the majority of the playerbase, because it isn’t.

Someone else tried to equivocate the lack of bear changes to the Monk changes. I pointed out that tuning hasn’t happened, I pointed out that the lack of significant buffs to bears directly suggests changes aren’t being made based on representation.

Someone made a false equivalency that me stating bears are capable somehow invalidated the lack of use of bears.

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In all the ways multiple people have told you. Rather than repeating them, just scroll up and review what has already been said.


You literally have no argument. You fail to even read a single line. Instead you claim some imaginary correctness without even considering the claim.

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You are clearly trolling. I just play along in case a developer reads this thread, they must know that guardian needs help.

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So you are suggesting that the majority of the end game playerbase clears mythic raids or mythic+20 dungeons? Was I somehow wrong about that?

Are you suggesting that bears did not in fact complete keys at the highest levels and complete mythic raids?

Or perhaps you are suggesting that capable doesn’t mean that you can do something?

Your emotion has blinded you to speak coherently on the subject.

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I’m sure developers are reading threads on the Druid forum and treating each poster as having equivalent value regardless of experience… Yeah…

What are you droning on about? If guardian is not in a great spot it doesn’t matter if you are a top end player or not.

If a player struggles at M2+ he will struggle less with a warrior than with a druid. If a player struggles at M15+ he will struggle less with a warrior than with a druid. If a player Struggles at M29+ he will struggle less with a warrior than with a druid.

I know this because I have all tanks at 120 and in M+ (except a monk). I have played both low and high keys. Your arguments don’t make sense.

This is fundamentally not true.

What you do changes as mythic+ keys rank up. You can actually literally face tank mechanics at +2.

Further what a player can get out of a class increases exponentially with experience. Some abilities are useless to the inexperienced in low keys, but vital to the experienced in high keys.

No low tank cares about Typhoon. But the higher bear tanks are very upset about limiting access to it.

If a player can easily “face tank” a +2 then logically they will do one of two things:

  1. do a +3 and then a +4 and then continue up until they struggle.

  2. quit the game.

Either way a player will continue to progress in this game, until they can progress no further at that point playing a warrior is always better than playing a druid. No matter if it is in +2 or +29.

If you had two tanks. Everything else was equal. Except one tank had 900k health and the other tank had 600k health. I don’t think player skill or experience matters in determining which tank is better. The 600k health tank will not make it as far up M+ regardless of who is piloting it.

Further this causes the already identified issue of poor perception of druid tanks within the community and so you will not likely be tanking progression in Mythic raids.

But that example is far too simple and on its face would suggest that bears should be better cause they have higher health.

In reality the advantages of Warriors come from the use of their CDs And utility. The better played the better a Warrior is. While a Druid does not rely heavily on CDs.

Meaning a casual Druid who doesn’t manage CDs well can actually move further in mythic+ than a casual Warrior who doesn’t manage CDs well.

A druid that pushes no buttons will die before a warrior that pushes no buttons. If for no other reason than the druid would be tanking in human form.

So the absolute worst player, a druid that pushes no buttons, will still die before the absolute worst warrior player.

Why does any of this matter? You are trolling. But it still stands that anyone that has actually tanked in this game on multiple characters knows that druid needs buffs. Why are you so against druid getting buffs?

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