When are Gdruid buffs coming?

The point of looking at the top 100, was to look at the highest keys.

Comparing 20’s between seasons can be very misleading. In season 4 top keys were in the 30’s, season 3 top keys were around 24-25. 20’s between those seasons aren’t really comparable.

You could look at the percentage of the top key versus the reference key, i.e. for season 4 a 20 is 0.67 of a 30, which is really rough but a better estimate. That would mean using a 16-17 of season 3. Which doesn’t show guardians moving up much.

Then like I said, count up the tanks on the first 100 Mythic Nzoth kills.

And that doesn’t measure the same thing. That looks at a specific fight in which bears are at their most disadvantaged. That doesn’t mean there have not been other raid tiers with other fights where a DK, or DH, or Monk, or Warrior was also at a significant disadvantage and shunned.

It also is looking at raid representation which is entirely different. DH’s are slight;y worse overall than Bears in raid representation this expansion. Both DH’s and Bears are significantly behind other tanks in raids this expansion.

In high end mythic+ though, that’s not quite the case. Bears have it the worst, but Paladins, and DH’s have both been in very similar positions. DK’s after season 1 were in the same boat with bears.

Mythic+ is dominated by mdi meta’s. First it was DK’s, then War, then Monk, then back to War. There is little room for number 2 and almost no room for number’s 3 and beyond. Bear has been last but its not as if DH’s and Paladins were way ahead of them.

The problem with DH is that they also came out in the expansion that started borrowed powers, so it’s hard to not say that DHs are lacking quite a bit compared to other tanks who have years of establishment in their capabilities.

It’s funny because Havoc DH is also in the same situation, having only temporary powers to define their class.

A lack of mobility is the only knowledge I know for Paladins, so that might be why they are also under represented in M+.

Top 100 everyone is gonna play what’s outright best, that’s not a good argument.

The only fight in mythic nyalotha where one tank clearly outclasses the rest is N’Zoth, being brewmaster with black ox statue. Besides that, all of the tanks are pretty close. Survivability is never an issue in mythic raiding unless you’re seriously playing your class incorrectly.

The fact that druid is the worst tank overall isn’t even my biggest gripe. I could live with that and work around it so long as the gulf wasn’t too large. What bothers me is that I can not find a Mythic raiding group willing to adopt a bear tank into their team.

I can pug M+ to 15 or so with no issue because those are smaller teams and more easy to come by. Also, tanks are in much higher demand in 5 mans vs 20 mans.

I could even possibly pug 6/12 Mythic raid. But that just isn’t as enjoyable as being part of a regular team that goes to 12/12.


And that’s the stigma against Guardian Druids.

Why recruit a druid tank when I can bring any other tank who can perform more optimal with utility that’s actually useful?


This isn’t correct, Vengeance doesn’t even have a talentable stun

Instead of a 9% dr buff on yourself its a 20% debuff on one target, even how it worked changed. It’s much worse than before. Its like a super sh1tty demoralizing shout.

We’re still waiting on that numbers pass from BFA beta, whens that gonna hit btw?


Fel Eurption is currently, which will be baseline in Shadowlands. That’s why I didn’t include DH :slight_smile:

To be clear, this is you whining about other tanks being better than druid. You can play semantics all you want to try and claim this is anything but you whining.

And you take a quote out of context, it was in response to the other druid who was mentioning that he can’t find a mythic raiding group who wants to have a bear tank.

Again, nice try chief.

If I drive a jeep into the woods, is it better than driving a sedan? Yes always.

Could I do it with a sedan? Sure but it’ll be a rough ride.

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You are celebrating that Guardians are a Grade D class. They pass. Wonderful. They should be getting the work to make them a Grade A class. Every class should be a Grade A class. Not all will be, of course. So some may fall to a Grade B. And those should get the work to improve them. A Grade D class over an entire expansion (and possible two expansions) is absolutely horrible. You are defending the indefensible.


Havoc is not Vengeance
Fel Devastation != Fel Eruption

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Shhh, I wanted to see how long he would keep parroting this crap about every tank having a stun but guardian baseline, and lecturing when he doesn’t even know what tanks have stuns.

I remembered looking over information before writing up lists:

" Fel Eruption is a demon hunter talent, available at level 102 for Vengeance and level 106 for Havoc." and https://www.wowhead.com/spell=211881/fel-eruption#modified-by

Both have vengeance as using it, if that’s incorrect that’s my fault.

I wasn’t really going to respond to this, but you’re right. I didn’t know vengeance didn’t have fel eruption baseline, because I don’t play demon hunter. I don’t play any other tanks. I only play Druid as a class.

The information I looked up was wrong. Congratulations.

Bear needs help and i just haven’t seen enough from Blizz in this unpruning Xpack to say bears have been unpruned. To start we need Mark of Ursol and Faerie Fire back. Ursol’s Vortex needs to be baseline with Typhoon. Ursol was a bear, why is this on resto?

For the affinities Treants needs to be on Balance and innervate on Resto. There is a slow in one of the Cov talent trees but it would be nice to have that too. If bears are going to be low on dps compared to other tanks, we need to have abilities that make up for that.


Current state of tanks in beta


I talked to a friend who tanked a dungeon on Beta and he said the lack of ursol’s + typhoon was a noticeable difference in his ability to kite adds.

Kind of happy to hear the barkskin legendary is as I was hoping it to be, but sad that it might be the mandatory defensive one.