When 9.1 releases any player will easily solo legion raids

From the 9.1 mega dungeon

Hard mode rewards 233 item level gear, the equivalent of last two bosses in castle natharia loot on mythic difficulty

There are many people with mythic gear that are capable of soloing mythic antorus/tomb of Sargeras right now for examples:

Havoc DH thats 40k health, meaning in mythic quality gear

Ret Paladin soloing Aggramar at mythic 37k health

Hunter with 40k heath soloing every single boss at mythic

So there you have It solo people, do the content in 9.1 and you’ll have your mythic legions raids done right


hmmm… I had my pally and DK solo legion raids. This isn’t a new phenomena either, Past expansion raids all eventually become soloable.

Hard mode is “hard.”

Yes! I just did a full mythic Antorus clear yesterday at 213 item level.

Visions of N’Zoth; Horrific Vision if you’re still shooting for the Mailelemental or the flying mount are significantly easier now too. Give it a shot if you happen to have stocked one too many vessels in your bank from BFA. :smiley:

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All the gear in the world wont make the eonar fight any better.


Yes I know even at that item level mythic legion raids can be done

I’m just letting the people know if they do the easy content at 9.1 then there should no longer be any more complaints about legion raids soloing

So how did the ret paladin and hunter get past eonar on the last two videos?

I think there might be a mechanics issue for some with Eonar.

Real fun trying to click all 4 crystals on the ship before it insta wipes you while you’re getting launched into air every couple seconds due to stacking debuffs caused by clicking the crystals

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You have leap

You have engineering nitro boosts

You also have this

I thought you had information for all types of players (Casual and Hardcore) given how you named your thread but it seems you just did it for dramatic purposes.

Care to enlighten people about the purpose of “hard mode” in this dungeon?

Or is it too destroying to your post?

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Have you ever done the fight on mythic clark?


They’ll be able to do it. It’ll just be a fraction more effort than normal for those who are casually inclined.

1/2 tempted to just be a champion of LFR myself :smiley:.

dont wanna do mystic dungen so old boos that give 50 level gear can be easyer . it be easyer as im level 57 there level50 is DUM

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It should have been easily soloable for any level 60, on DAY ONE of Shadowlands.


I don’t know what’s more hilarious:

The fact that you need to do the hardest dungeon content to solo raids 2 expacs prior


The fact that Clark is promoting this as “See it’s now do-able and easy. Just do the hardest dungeon content lol”.


Imagine taking anything Clark says seriously.

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Clarks starting to make me feel like Metrohaha is posting :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s a different Clark, I think.

Edit: I was wrong.

I honestly thought he had a decent solution to soloing raids which by now need the Legacy buff + should be easily soloable.

Nope just do the Mythic Mega Dungeon. Don’t just do it. Do it on Hard Mode.