When 9.1 releases any player will easily solo legion raids


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Not to mention, the hard mode requires you to waste one lockout period setting it up.

Yeah I don’t understand how he’s treating this as a hail mary.

Hey guys guess what? You can now solo Legion raids. Just gotta do the hardest dungeon on the hardest mode. Simple see no excuses go and do it. Stop complaining.


No same clark I realm transferred

Care to explain your reasoning about doing the hardest content in the game to solo what is old content?


The DH posted above me is 213 item level and they have cleared antorus on mythic

Even without hard mode you’ll get 226, equivalent of the first 6 bosses of mythic castle natharia

So again it’s now becoming an “anyone can do it”

Gear item level makes things easier don’t know how simple I can explain it

You won’t need 233 to do them though. Even the bump solo players are getting on WQ requests will scale up to normal raid at max renown.

Yes it will be a time grind but when we see players up in the mid-220’s should be easy enough at that point.

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Have you both considered the possibility that certain classes have it better than others? For example, what do you think would happen if you had no leech? Or no self heal?

Since you went directly to “any player” can solo it, are you inferring that every single class would be able to solo it at 213 ilvl or 226 ilvl?

Apparently you don’t seem to understand your OP: You have presented this as a solution for everyone when you know that not everyone is going to step into hardmode.

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Which is why I said soloing legion will become easier and we should not see anymore reasons why people can’t

Your whole OP is basically stating that people should do the current high end content (hard mode) and this automatically resolves 2 year old expansion problems.

Do you not see the comic relief in your post?


No and this is why I pointed out a fight like Eonar which still has mechanics people can fail easily. All classes do have the tools in terms of slow fall/speed boosts but could it be done as casually as say WoD stuff? Probably not.

And that’s why the OP is nothing more than a dramatic “Open your eyes people! This is your solution!”

You mean any player in Shadowlands content with a 233 ilvl maybe?

Any player has the power to do the content

Wether they do or don’t is their choice

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Okay! Level 10 vulpera resto shaman can do it says Clark!


If you can do it at level 10 be sure to share as it’d be a feat of strength

I’m now convinced that if Blizzard made it hard to do Molten Core solo and it required the new Mega Dungeon Hard Mode, you would still post this same OP.

Of course they do, he is just trying to shine light that people who do even lower end content can easily solo come 9.1. Pretty sure a +6 drops around this gear level too.

Here’s the deal. Your title is pure clickbait. It is demonstrably false. But of course, since you see the concept of “truth™” as something that can be used to manipulate those with weak minds, of course posting clickbait titles for demonstrably false posts is fine with you. Of course it makes both you and your patrons look bad, but you can’t see past the nose on your face.

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