What's your White Whale?

Tusk of Mannoroth. I finally got it after spent years farming it.

He and I haven’t had our weekly meeting in a while . . .



Moby Dick was weirdly satisfying to read. Too many people force themselves to read it, which is why they hate it, or think it’s too long and dense. It is an impressively acute and detailed glimpse into what life was like back then. It’s also just downright impressive, at points, what a strong command of the English language Melville had.

To that last point, for anyone who liked the actual writing in that novel, I always suggest reading Rabbit Run by John Updike. Holy hell, that guy could write.

Edit: Just to add - Moby Dick is particularly appropriate right now. Ahab is practically a study in Cult of Personality.


Oh snap you reminded me to go get Shadowmorne. I could have had it last week or earlier but I forgot :stuck_out_tongue: Haven’t been logging on a ton.

Just saw this post and was wondering if you ever got Sister Chelicerae to drop Boneweave Hatchling?

I have an extra I’m happy to send your way. That way you can chase a different white whale lol.

Mine seems to be the Gilded Wader. But I’m not even close to the 1000s of tries I’ve read other people have done. So I’m not complaining (yet) lol

Of course all the old mounts I’m trying to collect but I’ve just started chasing those. I started playing right before BFA came out; so I have a lot of catching up and learning to do.

How much are you willing to bid on it?

Pretty much anything luck based for me. I feel like I can go months longer than pretty much anyone else to get any of the pieces of gear I am after. Or mounts. Or crafting regents. Or toys. Or transmog. For example, I have been farming for the red sword in ZM every other day for the entirety of the patch, and I still don’t have it. On several characters. I park there while I work and kill on spawn. Nothing.

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Catching up on my WarCraft series focused around my main. Starts around WC3 era and goes to present, but still around BC era in terms of what i’ve finished. :sweat_smile:

Also kinda wanna turn it from a written story into a comic, but that’s very much down the road.

Just another $100 and this streamer will probably make me MVP.

They alluded to the book in First Contact too, with Picard as Ahab and Lily as Starbuck:

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For me it’s the Time Lost Proto Drake… as someone who only cares about collecting all the dragon mounts, that’s the one I feel I’ll never get.


I attempted the Camel statue for the week my husband was out of town. That was my annual attempt at something.

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Currently farming the blue proto on a few toons. Got over 300 attempts so far. Also doing the argent tournament.

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Not yet, but I’m still trying!

I really appreciate the offer! I’m to graciously decline as I want that feeling of triumph/relief when she finally does drop the hatchling!

I’ve found that World of Warcraft is at its most enjoyable when it’s 98% journey and 2% destination.

I finally got mine after +200 attempts, so don’t give up!

I raided Bastion with my alt army whenever the, “Defending,” and, “Broker Coin,” callings were up.

I also need to re-commit to getting the pet out of the treasure chests of Revendreth.

Only thing I ever REALLY wanted was Swift Zulian Tiger. My old GM and I used to run it every week with the agreement he got the raptor, and the tiger was mine. Neither ever dropped for us. RIP.

Luckily it now looks kind of crummy compared to more modern mounts, but would still be cool to have for the flex.

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Smoldering egg of millagazor.

Meanwhile Ragnaros is somewhere laughing at me. I farmed this mount religiously, weekly for 6 years on three toons. No drop. Still no drop.

I got it at 125-150 kills. Still working across town on the Sha every week x 8.


My white whale, going on many years now is the Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent via the Sha of Anger.
I fluctuate how often I go and with how many alts, but I always have a few camped nearby and run it once a week with at least them. It’s one of the few mounts I camp that I actually want for multiple alts to ride and want it for the looks and for riding, not just to add to my mount count. Ughhhhhhh


Currently my white whale is 7 alts camping each week for the Solar Spirehawk. 478 kills and nothing yet.

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For a while on my shaman, I’ve tried getting the Dark Shaman set. Finally got 97% of the reputations to exalted in BFA. I will never have the set, tho. Not driven to do it every week after doing dailies for years :laughing:

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