What's your White Whale?

No, the one that drops from arachnid harvester

its writing a book with game mechanics involved…

but there are wow things that need to be done. sleep that needs to be had. work that has to be completed. food that i must eat. anime to keep caught up on.

that aside, idk. there’s that edge of reality mount that i occasionally sit around looking for. though im almost sure i saw it up when expansion launched but was bugged with the server lag and stuff

there is that crazy voice in my head that says i should try to pug 20 mythic fated raid boss kills with Bearly slight lfr experience and pvp gear. :thinking:

things beyond my control? ah… Tails for Worgen. now thats a whale to chase after.

Well, it was the plans for the Phantom Blade for the better part of ten years. Finally got it on my first Strat run in over a year on my birthday of all days.

Seriously, look at the drop rate and look at how many banshees spawn in there on a single run. Yeah…

Anyway, with that checked off the list, it’s now the Binding of the Windseeker that I don’t currently have.

I initially read this as ‘What’s your White Male?’ and was extremely confused for a few moments. :joy:

However, my ‘White Whale’ would have to be the ‘Blazing Drake’ from the Dragon Soul raid, as it is the last one I need for the ‘Awake the Drakes!’ achievement — and claim my Emerald Drake. :heart:

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Don’t give up! I had to take my alt army through Dragon Soul multiple times to get that one and the achievement.

Totally worth it!

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a sick transmog, i’ll never be satisfied


I don’t know why the rest assured part made me laugh so much but thanks lmao.

Honestly, too many things elude me but most are pointless to mention I can give an example: Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent. Bad luck protection when? Blizzard???

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Don’t have anything that I care to spend too much time on in game but outside, making my own mmo is my white whale.

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When you do, please make your game respect its players’ time. :pray:

137187/ 250000 dead Allaince! (Woops, sorry Alliance!)


Amazing! Great job (so far!)

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timelost for me, being on the highest pop realm in the region and only doing it casually for the last few years only managed to get vyragosa 9 times.

i know I can do the disc treasure finding but I want to get this one myself.

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I hope you get it!

A work schedule where I can play during times were most others do. Seem to miss out a lot.

In ten years, saw the corpse twice. Saw Vyragosa many times. No longer on my ‘To Do’ list.

Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake
Item Level 70
Binds when picked up

Requires Level 70
Requires Riding (300)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. Can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend. This is a very fast mount.
Summons and dismisses a rideable Time-Lost Proto-Drake. This is a very fast mount. This mount can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.

Dropped by: Time-Lost Proto Drake

Nothing atm.

Balance of power quest line for artifact appearance. Sheesh

Idk,If anything would be Invisible.Got the other one had been after for ever last year.Now just need that freaking horse.

lowers glasses down the bridge of my nose and glowers at you in a professorial fashion :wink: :hugs:

For those who have not read “Moby Dick”, it is, admittedly, a dense read but one of the greatest novels ever; dealing with some intense psychology, human will against the power of nature, many perspectives on dealing with how we face the unknowns of life and death, magnificent use of English and more about 19th Century sailing ships and whaling than most any of us ever wanted to know.

The movie version with Gregory Peck is a decent substitute to reading the novel.

Nerd fact for anyone still reading this: In the Star Trek movie, “Wrath of Khan” Khan’s final words are verbatim the final words of Captain Ahab from “Moby Dick.”