I know we all got one. That one item, utterly useless by now, that we just hold on to forever because we like it regardless.
Another topic just reminded me of this, but it seems like a lighthearted thing to post on instead of yet another trollpost.
Mine’s the Netherwing Ledge Booterang, great flavor item, first WoW item that made me laugh and my Azure Netherdrake was my first really big in-game get.
EDIT: And yes, that means I’ve had that daily in my Quest log since BC
I keep the four Pandaria weather stones on me at all times.
I very rarely use them, they still have most of their charges because I’m afraid of running out. But I don’t know. They’re neat toys and look cool together as an item set. That’s my whole reasoning. I’m weirdly attached.
I’ve had them in my active bags for over seven years now. I won’t even bank them.
Oooh! Okay yeah I started in wrath :>
I think I have a thing for odd trinkets with weird procs/use effects. I may have gotten rid of the servant caller D:
Haunted memento from my first account. The only thing left of it. The circumstances behind my friend getting it and being able to pass it on were very well timed.
I have a few items in my DK’s bank that I couldn’t bring myself to trash. Some holiday clothing, the Wrath-era Brewfest trinket that summons the brew lady, Deathbringer’s Will, that I got when it was current (and it was AWESOME), Shadow’s Edge (never got Shadowmourne ), the bow from Karazhan, and various other mementos.
He was my main for years, so I accumulated some neat stuff.