i have a gnome i found in goldshire that annoyed me and kept following me, so i bagged it up, put it in my guild bank, wonder if it needs food yet, it’s been 2 years since i last checked
Unfortunately, I’m the opposite. I’m really bad about throwing things out to reduce clutter and then regretting it later. (IRL too…) I actually deleted my whole account to start over for that reason. (Yes, deleted as in ticketed and perma-deleted, no take backs.) Felt like I had too much invested into my original account and wanted to set down the burden.
I do make an exception for computer parts and cables. I will keep those until the day I die. I have so many random cords, old hard drives, literal entire PC towers with probably no components anyone would want…
If y’all see me on hoarders in 30 years, my house won’t look like a garbage dump. It will look like a post-apocalyptic server room.
Ooh I think I have those too.
I still have the basement summoning thing from scholo. Can’t remember if it’s from the OG charger quest.
Aah noooo! Those were 2 of my favorite quest chains!
I keep Writings of the Dark Herald on me, lol.
I still have the original Lok’Delar set quiver as a bag on my hunter.
My shaman still has her totems in the bank
My shaman, paladin, druid still have their relics in the bank.
My hunter has so many damn things on him I need the game to push bigger bags already PLEASE!
My paladin still has an opening of the AQ gates quest on her.
My rogue has old poison materials and stuff. Even thistle tea.
I hoard stupid things like that lol.
My bow.
dear sir
having a “thing” is what i and others have found to be offensive to those who have nothing
we have demanded having “things” be canceled starting right now
Good day SIR
you get NOTHING
All the content I am doing…LFR, Heroic Dungeons (not liking Mythic dungeons at all, I die a lot) and doing Sanctum Dailys and Missions only dropping 197 gear ( I am 213) is nothing more then Vendor fodder, is my thing.
BTW I am not running any content at all on my posting character. In fact, I deleted this character yesterday.
I got loads of weird crap.
My libram from wrath, blessings of kings reagent, blood of heroes, argent dawn commiss, ony 40 man and balnazar heads that start the quests (they dont work anymore)
Riding crop from netherwing. Id have to check my bank again. It try to keep something from each xpac
Mine’s signet of birdenbrad I still have today ,and on my proc.paladin, left over reminders of Argent Dawn commission with scourgestones I never turned in.
I still have my warlock mount summoning supplies. It’s a rather fond memory of performing the ritual for a friend that was also a warlock. Kinda felt like I was their mentor.
I don’t really have one. I hate clutter and trash or sell anything I don’t need. I wish I could destroy old legendary items. They just take up bank space.
My retail version of this toon is holding onto the vannilla version of the darkoon faire cards. They became useless when the faire packed up and moved to the isle and I umm well haven’t wanted to get rid of them.
Why can’t I redeem eleven year old tickets lol.
My retail toon has a bank full of stuff that is useless like that.
For me it is the fedoras (mostly gray quality) and the various teddy bears and dolls that are found here and there.
I don’t want to think about all useless stuff I have in my bank that I just can’t get myself to throw away or sell. Like that medallion thingy that lets me get rep for a friend while farming undead in the Eastern Plaguelands.
Ornate pipes. Because I’m gonna have a smoke regardless of whether the game supports it so I like my characters to have the ability to do so as well. In theory, of course they are gray and have no actual use. Yet drinking is it’s whole set of code. Someday.
A sword from TBC called The Unbreakable Will. The reason I’m so attached to it, and I know this is massively nerdy, is because it was the first sword I got that sheathed on my back. I loved the aesthetic of a sword crossed under a shield.
I still have the “Black Dragonscale Boots” my son made for me. They were pretty hard to come by, lot of raid specific components in them.
I still have that one quest item from classic that turns you into a furbolg. I wouldn’t call it useless though because it turns you into a furbolg!
Actually wait hang on lemme check my bank