There wouldn’t be enough space on the map.
I like this list. Agree no instance garrison houses. I want to see players as neightbors in a open world rpg.
Ok here’s mine:
1: Different House Options and Buildings besides just Humans and Orcs of Orgrimmar and Stormwind like for examples being Arathi, Kul’tiras, Gilneas, Frostwolf, Warsong, Thunderlord, Mok’thanal, Mag’har, Lordaeron, Kirin Tor, Night Elves, Draenei, Gnomes, Dwarves, Earthen, Tauren, Forsaken, Trolls, Zandalari, Highmountain, Lightforged, Void Elves, Blood Elves, Nightborne, and etc etc race option houses and buildings different backgrounds like lodges, townhalls, Large orc inn house, pandaren house, and etc more types.
2: Make it open world and no garrison instance nonsense.
3: Option to choose where to live and not being forced to live in a area unlike WoD Garrisons.
4: See to my Friends, Neightbors, and Guild Members in their houses and guild halls.
5: Options to pick and choose which house props to have and more.
6: Swimming Pool.
7: Bed to sleep in with xp.
8: No Profession houses or mines or gardens work. Been there done that with Garrisons.
- Sylvanas
- Alleria
- Valeera
- Taelia
- Neighborhoods and Solo houses ALL over Azeroth, not just in cities.
- Unique Housing i.e. Race Associated, Airship (Air Neighborhood?), Sailing Ship Goblin Water World? Open spaces between zones in Azeroth. Under water. Class specific condo style inserted into the old Class Halls. One attached to your Garison that is a Commander House. etc.
- Maximum Design Options.
- House Hearth
- Portal location to main city (roof, yard)
- Unique items to display associated with Unique titles/achievements
- The ability to own multiple homes (3?)
- A separate “Mailbox” where Class Hall and World of Warcraft NPCs can send me letters that may link to wow secret quests or direct quests for cosmetic items only. Some of this can lead players to lesser known areas like The disco under the water in BFA, the Critter killer area by Thunderbluff, or the Resort north of Silithus.
Don’t want
- No recurring cost (don’t make me pay a mortgage or taxes every month).
- Max-level requirements tied to housing.
- Any professions involved.
I want to have housing in a variety of zones and styles. But I know that’s definitely not going to happen right away. Probably not for years. As much as I want a Pandaren-style home for my Pandaren characters, I know I’ll be stuck in an apartment in Stormwind for the foreseeable future.
To be optional so I never have to set foot in one.
I wouldn’t mind the ability to have a profession table if you so choose to place one. Have a little workshop area in your home.
I would like there to be a PVP aspect to housing, like the ability to invade another players home and maybe steal materials n stuff.
For anyone who has played Palia, that is what I wish for, exactly like Palia! With a little farm like my Sunsong Farm, and pets running around. And SO much stuff to decorate!
We’ll need a new secondary profession and Gathering ability; Furniture Making and Wood Chopping!
I’d love to have housing items as another thing to farm. Of course give a wide variety of things to start with, than like certain raids drop housing items (not a atrocious drop rate, maybe 30%) for specific themes like if I wanted some vampire stuff head to castle nathria. Maybe also include inscription so they can craft housing stuff not sure how will herbs but the profession could use help. Or make a woodworking side profession
I want to be able to decide where I can build it - I prefer a cabin type house … preferably in the mountains of grizzly hills.
Dramatically increase my “bank” bag-space. I should not even need a “bank” anymore. I should be able to be a hoarder in my own virtual home if I want to.
WoW housing should have a house bar. It would be also great to have the jukebox and “Viking” arcade machine from StarCraft II.
As StarCraft no longer receives updates it makes sense to make the jukebox and arcade machine evergreen in WoW.
I agree that there shouldn’t be “real” progression attached to housing, but I would really love a workshop for new “tertiary” professions like Woodworking, Stoneworking, Gardening etc. for beautifying our houses.
I would also like an overhaul and consolidation of cosmetic options with a revamped dressing room (let us completely dye or tweak colors to help unify different sets) with armor stands to display transmog sets (both created and collected).
How about using tendies catalog?
I mean, if they put furnishing on the TP, I am gonna have to see how it looks. I usually have TP done in 12 hours on day one, and spend most of it. So I would rather see it everywhere else in the game.
Honestly it needs to have some incentive, i would recommend, like a little garden and a hearth that allows you to make something once a day, that lasts 12 hours, thats a food or drink that either is a pvp honor/cp increase or a pve stat buff that both persist through death, something super simple to get, you just go into yhe garden pick special ingredients that are soulbound and make ur stew or ale, and go off adventuring, it has minimal impact if you dont do it, but still encourages people to enjoy it
They could use the hundreds of already existing empty decorative houses around the entire game and create an instance point at the entrance, then slowly make them available to be acquired just like mounts, develop about a dozen or so interiors, to begin with, and add more over time. Simple, interesting and easy to implement!
This way you can finally get a house in the middle of Stormwind, Nagrand, inside some caves, behind waterfalls on top of mountains, or wherever is your favourite place in the game (obviously allowing for multiple houses).
The more they allow us to customize the better, for us and them, so I don’t expect to be able to change walls/doors/windows/overall layout, but that would be fantastic!
There’s not a way to properly accomplish this in the game because there just isn’t enough space in the world.
Best option is going to be something similar to how the instance entrance to Delves work.
Not Instanced.