What's your pet value?

I know this isn’t much compared to most of you. 3.1 million, most expensive pet is bananas. I’m curious where I stand.

Raises a question about something I’ve been wondering about. There are many pets on AH with two listings, one for the actual pet and the other for the Item from vendor or whomever that you click on to first add the pet to your journal. The Item can be priced on AH dozens of times higher than the pet itself. Is this a branch of pet collectors, folks who value the Item as much more desirable than the actual pet?

OP mentions his most valuable pet is Bananas. And according to Xu-Fu’s great site, it’s on AH somewhere for a little over 250K. Since I’ve seen Bananas on at least one realm for 1K, assume it’s Item vs. pet we’re talking about.

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I was wondering about him, I didn’t remember getting him and they gave him away for free at one point. I thought the price was inflated, maybe a limited time item. I don’t see it as actual value, just a scale for comparison.

I believe what you’re seeing is a matter of stats, no one wants a P/S they want an H/H and the vendor might be an H/H but the one selling cheap is definitely a P/S. Could be mispriced.

The value of my collection is 0 because none of them are for sale :wink:


I guess you guys thought this was a subtle brag about my 10,000th ranked collection when I was just wondering where I fit in. You’re not a very friendly group, are you? Lesson learned, enjoy your game.

I honestly don’t know how to read this…

Are you being sarcastic about 10000th ranked collection? I looked you up and you are realm 59, world 18k

If you are wondering what everyone’s pet value is, I am not sure how many people add up the value of their total collection.

Values change. According to the website you use, it says my value is 15mil or so.

There are A LOT of pets that I don’t have and when I checked AH value, if I were to get them off there its prob 3mil or more as the values are highly inflated.

Plus what about the pets we keep in banks? That’s also not going to be on that site either.

The pet collector community isn’t as salty as you think…notice how empty this part of the forums is?

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Would also suggest someone post the discord where most discussion takes place…i don’t have it and I should for how into pets I am lol

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I knew it was worse than 10,000, it’s why I didn’t think it’d be seen as a brag. I just collected and did WQs and dungeons, probably not more but was curious if I’d just get blown out. MtG at the end, I guess too old for the crowd. I never get from pets what they say you can on underminejournal, maybe if you keep the auction up for a few weeks and buy out undercutters you can find someone willing to pay that much.

There’s definitely something beyond barrenness when the OP gets ignored and something negative towards it gets a lot of likes. It’s ok, probably will just continue in my ~20,000th ranked ways.

I didn’t ignore your post, just didn’t know how to respond to it at first. I checked the site you linked but I am not sure really what to make of it. The site seems to have a lot of issues with displaying info (or at least it did for me - seen a lot of UNKNOWN).

Also, there are a lot of pets that aren’t going to have a monetary value due to their inability to be caged. So how does that play into one’s overall pet value?

Also, as Handcake pointed out, what about the pets that we have stowed away for resale? I have 2 guild banks that hold my extra pets for sale.

All in all, I do not think anyone was trying to be negative towards you.


Heh, I thought I was the one being ignored. My response to the original post was to ask if anyone knew why we could see such a huge disparity between AH prices of some pets and the items used to first get the pets. OP was the only one who offered a possible reason.

I’ve re-read the whole thread several times and really can’t find any posts dissing the OP. I didn’t directly reply to his/her question about valuation as I have absolutely no idea what mine is and can’t imagine how any website could come up with a realistic number.


I think they’re referring to the person who said their value is 0 because none of their pets are for sale.

That said, I haven’t used wow-pets, or responded, because the site has been out of date for at least an expansion and some change. When Blizzard did a change to their API a long while back, I don’t think the site kept up with the update.

Based on current info, mine is valued at a little over 19 million, and I’m ranked 39th globally on their site. That said, I think it’s a lot like WarcraftPets where you’re only being ranked against people who have uploaded their roster/requested a check of your character.


Highly inclined to agree with you as it has me globally ranked at 3.675 and I have only collected a few from the last 3 expansions.

Can someone help out this ole grandma? To me my pet collection is priceless, but maybe I have some value?

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Do what makes you happy! Who cares what rank? Not everyone puts in as much time (or can), people have played for various lengths of time, and everything else in between. For what it’s worth, on this site (wherever it’s pulling info from), my value is 9.4 million, but all of the pet info (most valuable, rarest, etc) is “unknown”.

I prefer wow-petguide myself, cuz xu-fu is my hero. But I don’t look at any rankings or anything. Just kinna do my own thing.

Oh, there it is. Apparently I’m 4594. :rofl: If you like the competition aspect of it all, I suggest first being the top collector in your guild, then work from there. Baby steps.


I was more curious about what I would face if I decided to pursue it further than a few WQs and dungeons and how I would stack against serious collectors if I began trying to compete against them is why I asked. I got an answer.

That pet website seems to be seriously out of date, and 404 my 4 highest value pets–I don’t even know what ones. I’ve been unsubbed for a lot of Shadowlands and most of Dragonflight until this recent patch, and it says I’m not missing any tradeable pets, which can’t be accurate.

I was gone for 3 years and it seems they added like 300 pets in that time. Actually more, as I grabbed prob 75% of the DF ones available.

I still have an insane amount to collect. It is honestly burning me out trying to catch up.

I think I do 80% of my play time per week around pet battle stuff like dailies or reps or other gates that pets are behind from BfA and SL. I don’t want to switch covenants either just for pets :frowning:

no troll. serious question. how do you look up and how do you know stats or ranking?

Warcraftpets . com ranks your collection based on number of unique pets and their levels and quality. Doesn’t attempt gold valuation. Lots of other excellent resources for pet collectors too.

Downside that it appears all the ranking sites have is that you’re only being compared to others who use that site and have checked their status. Far as I know there’s no practical way to evaluate all the millions of Wow players, current and past.

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There is main site that is working and is updated all the time that is Warcraftpets.com…the other is wow-pets.com…Warcraftpets is much better site …wow pet one will calculate what your collection is worth in terms of gold.