What's your pet value?

I did not know this was an actual thing people did. I just buy low and sell high the ones worth anything and pawn off the rarer ones that drop while randomly doing things when the market is up.

wow-pets.com - only thing it’s got going for it is the gold value thing. Site is mostly out of date with character data, so the rankings side of it is meh. Pet data hasn’t been imported for Dragon Isles pets. Some site functions don’t even work.

warcraftpets.com - decent site for pet stuff, but not for ranking stuff. Have to sign up to be in the rankings, so if you don’t sign up then you don’t exist, nor do your pets, nor does your rank. Use it for everything else pet-related, just not rankings.

dataforazeroth.com - a dedicated ranking site, no sign-ups needed, just chuck your realm & name and go for it. Ranks more than just pet collections.

I think most sites limit importing complete character capture data for the millions of players from Blizz due to size of that data, so no site will ever have to-the-second updated stuff. Do they do it monthly? fortnightly? you’ll have to ask them that one.


Over 18 million. Might be closer to 19, I just got a gale spirit drop and it probably hasn’t updated.

Not too sure what we’re looking for here. On dataforazeroth I have 326 for world and 179 for US. My pet collection is my main reason for playing. This site says that is a 96.6% completion. Some of the ones missing for me are from the original expansions like the first Murky. Some I just can’t get for other reasons. A case of “if I knew then what I know now” in play here. Thanks for a chance to show off a bit.

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Going to those sites and seeing where I rank shows how little I have done.

But despite playing since Vanilla, I often stop playing for a year or more, so I miss a lot of things.

I also spent thousands of charms on stones rather than pets, to upgrade the ones I already had. Probably not the wisest move long term. But even then, I upgraded 50 or 60 pets instead of bought 15 or 20 pets.