What's your honest thoughts on Dragonflight 1 month in?

It’s okay. You still have to run M+ if you want to be competitive in raids, which means I’ll probably stop raiding. The loot is too sparse and I don’t have time to dedicate to M+ farming.


Middle of the road, which I’m okay with.


I mean not finished as in development is incomplete. Buggiest expansion launch, and design choices pointing towards clearly taking too long to flesh everything out.


I’m having fun.

I came back after an eight year break, caught the end of SL, which was rough, but DF has been lots of fun so far!

Hard to say . . . thus far it IS above the line of meh expansions for me (BFA, Shadowlands, WoD, and Cata) and has beat out MoP and is gaining ground on BC.

So I guess currently top three is looking like

  1. Legion
  2. Wrath
  3. BC / DF

Still early though, let’s see where it goes.

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Most players don’t play this game for the lore. If they did, Burning Crusade would certainly not be remembered fondly.

You want to talk about “ruining characters?” That expansion was all kinds of yikes in that department.


Solid meh for me. Good enough to be worth the sub price for the most part.

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Oh we can agree there, TBC was catastrophic for so many characters and the lore itself. It was only remembered fondly because it’s part of that “Golden Age” of Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK. I personally don’t have fond memories of any of those.


Better than the last 2 expansions so far. Like just about everything I have done but Dragon riding, it make s me sick. I even tried mythic+ for the first time since Legion and enjoyed myself. Had full group of friends and we did well and no one got toxic.

I am 100% on board with the game right now.

I am not blind to the faults through. I am having a rough time with reknown. They said this expansion is alt freindly but I feel it is anything but. My biggest complaint is the removal of Personal loot. I think that was a bad choice. I also think WQs every 3 days is a bad choice but I am learning to adapt and do more things.

For the first time in the entire wow history i am interested in doing things i have never been interested in. I want to go do archeology. I want to go do pet battles. I want to do fishing. Just got to focus and not be so ADHD about stuff. OH and I also want to go back and do the Story for SL… I know blashphmy but man the Venthyr armor set looks sexy as heck on my shaman.

I honestly am enjoying it. Been trying to place it in my list of favorite expansions and right now I’m going to say it is tied with Wrath for number 2 right behind Legion. Now depending on what comes in the roadmap that might change.

The reason I’m raiting it this high is that I’ve had a good laundry list of things to do on my main and haven’t really even thought about alts. I did recently get a hunter to 62, but normally at this time of an expansion I have at least 3-5 alts to max.

It’s just been a very pleasant experience and im having fun.

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  1. Legion
  2. DF
  3. MoP / BFA
  4. Wrath
  5. Cataclysm
  6. SL
  7. TBC
  8. WoD

To explain my strange list:
I’m judging them by which one I enjoyed the most as the person I am today, because if I were to list every single one in terms of enjoyment when playing it would literally just be:

  1. Every single expansion besides SL
  2. SL, but this isn’t me saying it was as bad as folks make it out to be, I had fun in SL and enjoyed the expansion, but it’s still WoW’s worth expansion to date in my opinion
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Content is decent, too many bugs and performance issues.


I’m in about the same place. Having fun so far, feeling sufficiently optimistic that I went from the 1-month to the 6-month plan, but it’s early days yet to call it an epic win. That, we’ll know by the fall.

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It’s great. All the new features are fun, modest, and respectful of time. Good variety. One of the best versions of the game since MoP imo.

But the game’s group content is not designed for me. It’s designed for people who can manage to contribute to being in an active guild, or have enough wits to deal with the worst parts of humanity to meet endgame goals. So to that effect, it’s actually pretty trash in fundamentals, which is what the game’s been struggling to deal with for several years now.


it’s fine. not great, but fine.

dragonriding is fun now that i “get” it (its really unpleasant going back to regular flying now lol). crafting is… different. it has some positives but imo it missed its mark. I like being able to mine/herb without dismounting. do NOT like not being able to easily level up to max prof level without rep grinds. need more recipes and especially GLYPHS. lastly, i like being able to level alts with crafting, digging, climbing, flying (aka: alternative to gathering ten bear butts).

tbh there isn’t too many memorable new characters (that aren’t annoying). I’d like more. Wrathion and Alex and the rest of them are cool and all but I’d like some new interesting faces to add to the lore. Maybe I am missing out on a few by not doing all the side quests… gotta get on that…

It’s okay.

I appreciate some of the changes - the PVP gearing is great and the new talent trees add some oomph to the game (although they do make a few classes overpowered in terms of CC or defensive). Very pretty as well!

I’m not that interested in the world or the story - a lot of Dragon Isles is a rep grind which, eh, okay. The focus on professions also leaves me a bit cold. My bags are full of reagents, the mechanics of crafting are confusing and I’m not engaging in world quests which focus on rep or crafting.

This has left me either standing around in the new capital or doing old content.

If you like it? Great. But its not the… brand new golden expansion some streamers are claiming. At least IMO


IT’S SO FLUFFY!!..wait what were we talking about?

Story sucks. Professions are a mess.