What's your highest level death?

The other poster is a guy in their 60s. They have my respect for showing their real face and proving who they are. Could be in 50s though. They did not deny the claim of me saying 60s. But If you too are a man in their 60s… then that means that this entire time it has been banter from a catfish pretending to be a woman. eerie and unethical. Cannot be associated with you anymore. Will humor you no more. Thats why every offer to see my toons in game was rejected, but you showed much more interest in seeing posts of my toons on my Instagram. So na…not linking that. Calling me and other people babe and hun here on the forums went from a cute little gnome being silly to just downright creepy. Asma is not infatuated with me the way you are, they earned my respect. All you ever have is female toons on Classic, yet are man in their 60s trying to get my info. Well… now I know what you’re all about. Muted.