What's your favorite (rare) pet?

Yes. I got him a few weeks ago. He is now hanging out on the outskirts of the Alliance flight point on the western end of the damage Deathwing caused in the middle of the Badlands.

For me, it’s Skarr. But, I also like Terrorpene and The Kurken.

Rocking Karoma and Thicket(felwood rare moth) atm. Went on a taming spree. Got Karoma, Olm the Wise, Favored of Issiset, the grey and black dragonhawks(manas and sunwing) among others.

Iceclaw evades me though.

Loque and Skarr. I picked up a second of each yesterday. I also picked up Hexados, Gnoll Eater, a second Gondria, and a second Gib yesterday.

Quite the busy day I had