What's your favorite (rare) pet?

Oondasta and Tuka’aka are what I’m running atm (Oon is stabled). LightningPaw when I need a spirit beast, still can’t get Loque :frowning:

Was thinking of trying for Terrapine tonight.

He’s my main pet for doing assaults, or any world content, or when I need lust in dungeons (I try to bring him out whenever I could, until someone in the group asked me to use a spirit beast). I’m able to redirect all the threat to him while pulling 10+ mobs, dude’s a beast, literally.

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My current main hunter doesn’t have any rare beasts I don’t think. My other hunters have Skoll, ghostcrawler, and the quillens tracked from MoP among others.

Gon 100% and any raptor.

How do you see how fast a pet attack speed?
I have 3 Clefthoove pets, always trying to pick which one to use and why.

Don’t think there is a way to tell.

They nerfed all the other pets’ attack speeds when they normalized them years ago. if this thing does attack faster, it’ll be nerfed.

I’m a BM and still leveling (118). I’ve tamed Myonix, a rare mana saber, as well as the Stormwind gryffon (whom I named Gryffendor). I alsotamed Bristlemaul when he showed up one day. I’d have to say my favorite is Myonix because he doesn’t look like other mana sabers (he’s dark blue). I kept his name so people might recognize him.

I just picked up Blaithe which is a summonable quest mob. I didn’t consider that he might be tameable until i started killing him. I quickly dismissed my pet and tamed him. kinda cool with the armor on him.

As stated all rares and other pet tame items will be removed when this occurs. Time to live in current content as intended.

Not sure if it’s considered rare, but the ancient dustcloak from Argus, matches my current mog.


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Oh that poor thing, I never use him because of all those spears sticking on his wounds, I think that little guy really need some rest.

And by some rest I mean unending rest for an eternity.

Imagine how painful it must be, if there’s a spear penetrated into your legs, and then someone is bringing you to a walk (or a run), asking you to hunt with them, all while your muscles and veins are being teared apart by the arrow’s head.

I can’t do it…

Winna’s Kitten

Yeah but his runes glow. :heart: Fenryr is one of my favorites. I had fun figuring out how to get the tame on my severely under geared hunter at that time. Lol it could be worse my bear with arrows in it spurts blood periodically. That disturbs me a bit more than Fenryr but that is just my opinion! I try to think of it as more of a rescue from their current horrific conditions. :slight_smile:


He’s cool too, but I still prefer my boi fenryr.

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Why does it have to be rare? I love my generic Moth.

I had a fun experience once with the Jade Guardian from Mogu’shan Vaults, so I’ve liked him a lot after that. Since the model for the boss is huge, it resizes when you tame it, but it happened once my Jade Guardian went back to its original size inside a dungeon. It bugged out during the mid-dungeon loading screen in Maw of Souls. So for the rest of the dungeon I had a gigantic pet storming the ship and my teammates were flabbergasted. The Jade Guardian is so big it actually blocked all view inside the corridors of the ship. I would use him all the time if I could make him resize like that on purpose.

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I love Olm the Wise.

It was the first rare pet I had ever tamed waaaay back when on my first hunter.

Something about Olm just feels right. It helps that he looks like a spirit beast but I can use him on SV.

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Is broken tooth still something we can get ?

I remember I was using Skoll when I did the BM artifact quest and cracked up when Thorim said something like “Skoll is around here somewhere, I wonder where he ran off to?” He’s right here, man!

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It use to be Loque but now I just like the various shades of Hati.