What's your favorite (rare) pet?

I been dungeon leveling as MM lone wolf all the way to level 120 and lately I’ve finally decided to try playing with pets, got some advice mostly from this forum and I’ve been enjoying studying those beasts and going out to tame them (although I didn’t have enough time to wait for King Krush and Loque’nahak to spawn, and there were other hunters there too).

I went to get Oondasta, and I was lucky to found out that nobody else was there when I arrived and got him after waiting 10 minutes for him to spawn.

I’ve been using animal companion talent mainly using Oondasta as my stable pet and Faultline from Blackrock Foundry as my main (since I’ve been questing only these few days).

So what is your favorite pet that you got from dungeons or camping or through some secret method (if there’s such a thing)? Functionality aside, I mean your favorite as in a collector’s favorite.

I just need some inspiration since from what I know you can’t tame everything, some names would be sufficient tho. Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

Side topic: Is there any pet related addon you’re using? I find ‘StableHand’ and ‘Improved Stable Frame’ to be extremely helpful.

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I have a preference for the pets with spears sticking out of them - Fenryr, Osca the Bloodied, and Wildtusk. Somber Dawn from the Broken Isles is a recent favorite.

At minimum, you’ll want a tenacity, ferocity, and cunning pet for the different specialization abilities. After that, it’s picking the ones with good family talents - like stags and bats.

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Somber dawn looks really good, I tamed it but released it afterwards because I got excited when I saw the gryphon in Kul Tiras is tamable, only to found out it’s not tamable for me :X

Why would you release it? You have a stable for a reason.

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I was afraid I’m gonna miss the gryphon if I go back to city, because I really like gryphons…

And one of the reason I released that somber dawn is because I gave him a terrible name without thinking much and immediately regreted it. :flushed:

As a matter of fact I have a few pets that I regretted naming them… I’m bad at names. I have 2 black mastiff named “one” and “two”, without capital letters. And Rukhran from Skyreach named “big”, because it was big when I tamed it but now it became normal pet size and it’s kinda awkward.

You mentioned the gryphon not being tamable for you. Is it because you still need to learn Tome of the Hybrid Beast from Legion?

If you were interested in taming mechanicals you can pick up Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix in the auction house. Those have some fun taming challenges if that sort of thing interests you.

I think I use NPC Scan and Rare Scanner to help me find rares.

Yeah, I made the mistake of renaming Gara to Kara only to find out I couldn’t rename her back to the original name. :disappointed:

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Fenryr was pretty cool to get during legion,when the challenge was hard to get. Perhaps because it was recent, but my favorite rare to get was Terrorpene, considering I was trying to get him since I first heard and saw of him.

Not sure if he is that rare.
But duskstalker.

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I’m working on both of those, doing my legion class hall missions and leveling my engineering. Although the Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix might take a long time because the legion engineering quest is not showing and I think I might have to level all the previous engineering skills up to 700/700 level (based on previous profession system before the split). Thanks for letting me know that I can buy it off from auction house.

I don’t feel like buying the “license of ownership” thing from AH so I’m working on legion inscription, it will take a long time too :joy:.

I’m thinking of getting Fenryr but I might just keep him in the stable because I can’t stand watching all his wounds and spears. :slightly_frowning_face:

adding Terrorpene and Duststalker to my shopping list.

I use Skarr because it’s difficult to get if you’re not already attuned with Firelands, it’s rare, it’s a cool model, and it works with MM. I have a ton of BM pets too, but I never play BM except to collect rare pets, and I have most of them.


For me its snowblind, of course i love most is not all the feathermanes

Grimtotem Spirit Guide for sure. Can’t get too much more rare than that.
Glitched grubs are a close second.
As for actual rarespawns, I have a soft spot in my heart for Feras, found in Stonetalon.


Loque’nahak is definitely my favourite, followed by Gondria.
As for non-exotic pets that I really like, I like to keep a Marsuul with me. They look super cute, but very loud. :stuck_out_tongue:
Let’s not forget about the bees, they’re super cute!
Edit: I forgot to mention Plague, the ghostly blue dog in Tirisfal Glades. The new Hellhound model made him look 10x better!


I’m sad I didn’t play legion for the cool mogs and to get marsuuls. It seems as though I would need to complete the questlines to go to the last legion zone for the marsuuls

I still have my Humar from classic. I bring him out from time to time.


He is a spirit beast porcupine from MoP.


My oil stained wolf is my favorite… Make sure if you have the oil stained wolf NEVER take him into timewalking dungeon or he will lose his oil… I used to have two :(, and now only one. My second fav is my spirit bear because my hunter is an iron dwarf and dwarves favs are bears. I have been trying to get the fox for like 10 years…

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I never heard of this before. That’s crazy. It looks like you can’t take it into raids either. You can’t even tame one now, because it will lose it’s oil buff when you do.

Makes me wonder how many hunter pets will be gone with Shadowlonds and the level squish. What will happen to places like Firelands and all the pets out there? I think I’m going to start looking through my stable to find the pets I want, but I haven’t gotten around to taming yet.

For me its Loque the spirit beast. Not just because he looks very cool, but I named him Bluetooth which I think fits perfectly heh. I have lots of nameless pets as I’m always trying to think of a cool name and nothing pops up so I leave them nameless.

Currently I really dig Faultline, the clefthoove from BlackRock Foundry, he’s got a faster attack speed than the normal 2 speed pets as well which for some is a cool differential.

Also really like the black and green cat from Argus zones, looks amazing and is an very vocal cat.

Not necessarily rare, but I love using double cross with animal handler and MOC talent for so crow mayhem.

Skoll is my favorite. I don’t know if it still does it with Animal Companion but in Legion Hati would occasionally interact with Skoll if you had him out.