Yet here you are, astroturfing in a totally unrelated thread, lmao. #YoshidasWitnesses
It’s so hard to pick one favorite quest chain! I’ve always appreciated WoW’s balance of silly stuff and serious. I think the Val’Sharah arc had some of the best of both in that spectrum. On one hand, Xavius tricking Tyrande and confirming Malfurion really acts like That. On the other hand, the Temple fight. :c
Hmm i think when… Noth the plaguebringer asked me to collect a bunch of skulls for his cauldron from the citizens of havenshire. Those were simpler times.
I feel like every expansion kicks my favourite quest out for a new one. However, I think real life circumstances really coloured this one for me.
The quest Drop It! in Drustvar just destroyed me. I had lost my dog earlier that year from a neighbor poisoning her, and finding this mangled dog corpse on a ritual circle, being turned into a wicker beast really destroyed me.
Having it remember who it was, and wanting to return to its owner made me break down in sobs. It’s such a short quest, but not one I will forget any time soon.
I like that quest in the Goblin starting zone where you have to rescue Goblins in cages but instead of using very easily accessible keys to unlock the cages you shoot the cages into the air which almost certainly kills the goblins inside