What's your curse on the opposing faction?

No, we should curse them with more human male paladins. Especially since classic is coming.


But first the developers would have to want to write for the Alliance. All they know how to do is write a bunch of confusing, “morally gray” Horde characters (plus a blatantly evil Sylvanus) and then claim that they have a balanced narrative. TBH nobody is winning with this.

Since we are still on the curses, I simply curse the Horde with Blizz continuing with its current narrative strategy.

I curse the horde…for on the Horde side I shall make a tank and try it out…ohh the innocents I shall kill… bwhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahha

I’d curse the Horde to get High Elves, which may not seem like much of a stroke against them, but when the forums are full of so much salt that real issues can’t be seen and their faction is just known for elves. Well, it’s more of a long term game really.

All goblins can punt the other races.

I curse the Alliance with a lack of Classic beta keys.