What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

Yet again read the disclaimer. You selected agree.

Best tip… don’t be afraid to play to the AH for minimal profits.

Best example i can give is bags and stacks of resources. They move like hotcakes if you undercut by a silver or three and announce their existence to Trade chat.

Most don’t know it, but default AH price is min bid of 50% over vendor price, there’s a lot of room for profit.

You agreed to teams of hardcore and still had the nerve to open a whining ticket? You people need to be banned.

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Make multiple characters and level them up together! Don’t put all your eggs in 1 basket! You will be disappointed if you do. The very end game is death!

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Dont pug dungeons. You cannot control how other people behave so trusting your life with people you dont know is like going to the bottom of a cave by yourself. If you do it accept that its a huge risk.

Dont invest emotionally in your toon the way you do normal servers. No matter how careful you are, you are going to be subjected to things beyond your control, and that is and has always been part of the HC experience in HC games. So dont compare hc to some addon, understand that no matter what dead is dead and prepare accordingly.

Make friends and join a guild. This can help you get back on your feet. HC really shows how strong the social aspect of mmos are when its people you know and trust. Youll also have people who will know you right away and remember your exploits before you died.

Read the Forums regularly. Strange bugs pop up in HC, and the only place you get warned, is here.

So what do we do when we do not go AFK and a massive server wide DC happens and kills multiple people? To be honest this aspect is ruining my HC experience. Just get to suck up and deal with the character loss through no avoidable error on our part. I love and relish the character’s lost due to my own miscalculation. Those on behalf of some server side ddos attack… Not so much. No ability to appeal or ask for help…

Interview the people you want to do dungeons with. Don’t assume anything!!!

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Ohh, I’ve got a great tip that trumps EVERYTHING you see here:

Play on a Private HC Server.

Many out there that are properly patched and allow you to die to YOUR OWN MISTAKES, as opposed to dying to an endless suite of BUGS and GLITCHES which were never bothered to be patches or even looked at.

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Ask for help = crying to blizzard and asking for a character to be restored.

Know your enemy

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Many a time a swiftness potion can save you life better than a health potion. Chose your potion useage carefully.


A decent tip is that when underwater if you see a single clam or any lootable object that is by itself, don’t bother opening it as it will cause a disconnection and will potentially drown you.

After a death by disconnection, you might feel pretty disheartened. You wonder, “how do I know this isn’t going to happen to me at level 20? 35? 59?” I would love to see a “defensive” mode that you can enable (or not) that would put you in defensive mode like a pet if you are AFK or “logging out”–i.e., disconnecting. Auto-attacking something that attacks you when you disconnect gives you at least a fighting chance, although won’t help much if you are already low at health and in battle when you disco.

OK, that’s just my wish list feature. It doesn’t exist.

But what you can do is set up your internet connection to automatically roll over to cell data if your primary ISP connection drops out. The keywords to Google here are: dual WAN router failover mode. There are ways to set it to your cell phone WiFi hotspot using a device like a MikroTik mAP lite, and there’s a youtube video out there that explains how to do it. The dual WAN router pings your ISP to check if your connection is still good. If it goes sour, then it’ll switch to your second WAN connection–i.e., your phone WiFi hotspot via that MikroTik device or a cellular modem using a data-only SIM–until your main ISP is back.

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So what. Youre playing ezmode huntard class. Why even play hard mode at all if youre going to play hunter. Laughable.

This is just a bank alt in retail. Classic Andy IQ at its best exposed

Get use to using your CD’s (i.e.: Blessing of Protection, Lay on Hands, Evasion, etc…)

so when you’re in a bad position, you’ll actually use them and not die with all your CD’s off cooldown.

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Awe, does this mean you can’t appeal a DC death?

I think if they did do something, like make you invulnerable if you lose connecting, players would abuse this and just Alt+F4 whenever they’re about to die.

Hell, I DC’ed, logged back on, popped my bubble, DC’ed AGAIN, logged back on and I was dead, so I would’ve LOVED to have some kind of fix to DC death’s. But it is what it is…

Learn the basics. Then go HC <3 Straffing and stuff like that. Kite. LoS. Stay safe

I just learned that lesson at level 8. I was sure I could take them on. I died :cry:. My first one, so back to a new toon. Will try again :slightly_smiling_face: