What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

You do not have to complete every quest you get in a quest hub to level up.

Quest are only one part of this game.
There are plenty of other ways to earn meaningful experience including repeatable quest turn ins, Exploring the map zones, Professions and much more.

Remember that not everyone has played classic vanilla and it’s likely a new experience for them. Be kind to those around you because you shouldn’t be the reason the camel’s back broke.


You can split a quest chain up, and bounce around on a few quest chains.
I do most of the human starter zone, but leave those grape barrels and the boss off. (level 5)
Then to the dwarf starter zone, I do all that, plus the bear basted ribs & Jetstream. (level 8)
Back to Millie’s stupid grapes, and the boss. Then the Fargodeep mine and that area (No Goldtooth & No Princess) You should then hit level 10.

After that keep bouncing, wait for green quests, or easy to escape quests.


And remove thorns, lightning shield, or any other mechanic that damages a mob when they hit you. If you continue damaging them, they will continue chasing and hitting you.


farm mobs that also drop cooper or coin, even grey, you can slowly add up for that extra gold you will need for your mount at 40 as well as other items.

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Fix the deaths by disconnects, or put an appeal, 20 year old game, launch a hardcore mode and launch it in half. Oh fix Tyrion too, I think it’s kinda about time.

the death by dsconnect is literally in the agreement for when you sign up to play hardcore. You should read the fine print on any agreements you agree to.

I’m not saying it’s not part of it, just that it’s ridiculous because I don’t control it and they should do something about it.
But if I can’t complain about trying to fix a game that I paid for and that seems like something not very nice to happen, that’s fine. I can talk about “hardcore” with parties with 5 people, the various multiboxes and bots too.

After playing since launch, and dying at least a dozen times, my best advice is to be patient and grind. That’s right, When you first arrive in your starter zone, grab the initial quests near you, and go kill anything that is level 1 until you are at least at level 5. It doesn’t take long, but you get a headstart on the other quests and you’ll arrive at the next quest hub in better shape than if you had only followed the quests.

You can keep this pattern up throughout the game as well. Every time you enter a new area/zone, grab the initial quests and kill everything of the lowest level for 3-5 levels. Typically, you’ll see those quests and the mobs go green and that’s when you know to turn things in and bump the difficulty a bit. Just never attempt anything more than a level above you and living will be a breeze.


Those are terrible ideas. Aside from launch day, when every layer was flooded, kill quests are pretty easy now and only require a minute or two wait. What you are proposing actually slows the leveling experience down considerably and makes it difficult for non-questers to farm experience.

Well, at now, after the response I got in ticket saying that BUG’S and DC’S are part of Hardcore experience, I should say, my best tip is: “close the server!”.

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Sounds like a skill issue, sorry you couldn’t hack it!

My best tip: read the disclaimer you agreed to when you created a character.


Oh yes, of course, a lot of Blizzard fan boys! It’ll ever happen, no matter wich game we are talking about, how many bugs, list goes on, but they ever shows up to fight side by side with Blizzard agains these guys that are ungrateful and do not recognize the excellent service provided by this invaluable company. When will Microsoft actually complete the purchase? Just to know!

Bot reporting in the game has no effect

US Defias Pillager
The roles use the BOT and synchronizer:
Eliang Letaring Haohio Qsser
After my guild member died in the process of leveling up, I found that there were more and more bots, which seriously affected the upgrade of the game. I reported that there was no reaction in the game, and many of my friends gave up the game directly, hope you can take this issue seriously, immediately deal with the game inside more and more BOT, to the game a good environment, my guild members are affected by the BOT can not play the game

A few suggestions for Hardcore mode: 1: Fix the BOT first. The 2:60 classic version is based on expert mode, which will consume a lot of items in the game, there will not be better equipment for everyone, resulting in useless later equipment, no one to play the replica. Copy changes and designs should also be built on top of the expert model. After all, the Expert mode only had one life. After changing the version, it would only be eligible to revive at level 60. The qualification suggested consuming gold coins or other items in the game, each resurrection consumed more gold coins and items. Only characters are resurrected, but the equipment is destroyed. The warrior class will die if the instance fails, so the resurrection is more for the warrior. 3: World of Warcraft is an old game, you can try to use Unreal 5 knock down re-production, will be the World of Warcraft to the world’s top. 4: Leave a permanent 60,70, and 80 version of the nostalgic gowns. Since they are the three classic versions, in order to make later players have no motivation to play the instance dungeon, we suggest using the method of revival in expert mode, can promote the game effective cycle.

If you have a DOT (damage over time) skill, ALWAYS have it on the mob, even when the mob’s HP gets lower. If you DC, and we all will at least once, you have a MUCH better chance of surviving if you had a DOT ticking on that mob.


I have good idea for Hardcore.
What about make Revived by real money instead of wasting time and effort for nothing.
Level 10 = $10
Level 20 = $20
Level 30 = $30
Level 40 = $40
Level 50 = $50
Level 60 = $60

Good Luck Fellas :+1:

US server BOT
Defias Pillager
Hicom ,Hicker,
These are bots that have been reported in the game, but to no avail, are almost all hunters and are online for 24 hours, with a lot of Filas maps。
If you can’t handle it, you can give me access. I’ve been playing the game, and I can tell if it’s a BOT

If you are in a place with a lot of mobs kill around the outside to avoid hyper-spawns and if you are wrestling with whether you should do a certain something or not. Do not do it.

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This has got to be a joke. It defeats the purpose of the challenge if there is nothing to lose you have no challenge.