What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

I have a question, are cross realms still being used or used in hardcore? I ask cause one min, I killed everything around me the next they spawned right back up and I was standing in the middle of the mob… wasn’t a big deal nor was it worth mentioning as a bug… I was able to fight through it again, just wondering if a cross realm kicked in.

Try not to die.

Grinding on mobs is better and faster for levelling than strictly relying on levelling guides or completing quests in a zone.
Also, when you level a warrior, always keep your weapon up to date, spend that money on the cheapest 2 handed weapon on the auction house every 3 levels. It’s better than having a mount immediately at lvl 40 and way better than dying before you even hit 40.


I am very grateful to the staff for their maintenance and innovation of World of Warcraft, and I will continue to support it. But is there no sanction against the Hunter BOTS of DIre Maul in the Defias Pillager? Some characters have been around for half a month, and now there are 36 Hunters BOTS, up from 10 Hunters before.

thats a feature! be alert of your area and respawns! they are more upset on reappeance.

I think the worst DC Possible that has cost me a number of characters is the DC caused by Siezures I have…

Why Should We Be Compensated in Some Way For a Glitch Regardless of the Origin When We All Accepted the Risk Rolling Our Toons?

I play all games on Max Difficulty, it drives my brother MAD, I have played video games since Pong in 1974 (do the math). I am sure most here play on max difficulty settings as well, and changing the difficulty one bit will ruin the very Nature and Spirit of this server.

The days of game over are never over…

Oh and I forgot… Learn how to walk in the world…

Right now?

Save your time & dont bother.

Get the unitscan addon and import a list of scary HC mobs to avoid, plays an audible when you need to stay away from something :slight_smile:

you can find the list on videos?

I don’t believe you but now I’ll keep this in-mind every time I loot underwater :stuck_out_tongue:

Specific tip for caves or close quarters. It’s instinct, at least for me to range pull mobs back to me. It feels safer but sometimes you might get hyper spawns before you move up to your next spot. you need to go against your instinct and run right up to a mob so you maximize your range from the other mobs.

I would take engineering and then actually use your :bomb: bombs for that extra bit of cc. Not to mention the gnomish net o matic. Your focus should always be on controlling the encounter to protect yourself.

  • Approach buildings cautiously.
  • Always assess risk before doing quests/exploring.
  • Be careful if you group to go into a cave. A member of your party may have DC
    problems or may panic easily. In either case you may find yourself in a SHTF
  • Don’t feel bad about only doing green quests and killing green monsters.
  • Overstay your welcome in zones.
  • Logout if you need a quick break.
  • Keep skills upgraded.
  • In HC, it’s imperative that you buy weapons and armor and upgrade often.
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Every single second, ask yourself “What are all possible ways I can die now?” and do your best to not get into any of those situations.

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I might be resuming my journey in HC soon. Have a lvl 32 hunter.

Doing the no pet no ranged weapon challange. Its been interesting finding new ways to make things work.

The best tip I have, is you have to be Decisive.

When you think of leaving, you better just leave.

Or decide to fight. If you do a mix mash of both you’ll end up doing half of each and you need to commit everything to one to survive.

Stay calm, stay decisive, stay alive.