What's Your Best Tip For Hardcore?

All of this tips are useless, now I see why 90k perish in the first 24hrs and why when raid progressing in modern wow takes ages. No wonder…


What level were you?

so far I’m level 35, didn’t follow any of these useless tips.

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They might be useless to an experienced hunter, but to a new warrior they could be useful.


Is this coming from personal experience?

= p

Go slowly. There is no need to rush things. You will level by just playing and having fun. Don’t try to solo group content. Use your pots when you have them, you can’t when you’re dead.


If you see a pile of dead bodies - turn around and run away.


Stock up on health and mana pots. Bandages too. And always use your crowd control abilities, they seriously help. Take your time and take on one mob at a time. You have to be very patient and aware of your surroundings.


More like 20 seconds with hyperspawn

I’m sorry, but my best advise is not to play. I’ve lost over 100 hours of play due to blizzard stupidity. DC, dead. Multi-mob instant rez ALREADY IN COMBAT with me literally 0.1 second after I killed it, before I even see them appear on the screen. Dead. The mob rez rate is completely out of control, turning any decent game play into one death trap after another.

I see tons of people with multiple accounts and tons of people just leveling in areas 8 levels below them grinding the same spot infinitely. How is that supposed to be fun?

This is NOT classic or anything even close to it. It isn’t even close.

I’m done. I’m not going to waste my time on this any more. It’s utterly stupid that one puts in so much effort to build a character only be destroyed by server-side insanity.

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Those characters leveling in one spot or killing things that are not earning xp are often bots farming the locales. Trying talking to them and see if they respond… if they don’t or the pet or character’s name is in Chinese, Korean etc then its a bot.

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Oooh, this last one was great. Lost my 19 hunter. Guess from what! I do the gauntlet just fine and run to menethil, park my toon inside the gates, and take a break. I don’t logout. If I had, I might have realized that it was half DC’d and not actually inside the gates.

I come back. I’m dead from drowning in the sea somewhere off the coast. I have NO IDEA how that happened. No house cats here tromping over the keyboard. It was a half-DC situation but somehow the toon wound up in the ocean.

I still have my 27 warlock, but to be frank I’ve decided to stop playing because there is no point playing hardcore with this RNG death mechanism operational. The mobs are rezing so fast in places that not only are escape routes blocked off almost immediately, but there are cases, such as how I lost my first warlock, where mobs will insta-rez IN COMBAT with you before they even fade-in on the screen, literally the instant you kill them.

The game is broken. I’m sorry, but it is. This. is. not. classic, hardcore or otherwise. If blizzard would at least fix the crazy pop rate, that would be a start. Not moving us between layers outside of safe towns and cities would also be good. Hardcore was great fund in the old Diablo, but it only took a day to build a toon in the old diablo. In classic, it’s just a broken mechanic.

I would far prefer simply locking the toon out for a day or two on death, or even dropping experience a few levels, to what is happening now. Too many server RNG deaths are happening and having a toon that you put many hours of work into die JUST BECAUSE the server decided to take a siesta is stupid.

Yes, I think quite a few of those toons are bots, but some are also obviously real players just taking advantage of the extremely fast mob rez rate to grind their level up. And I don’t just mean by a few levels here. Players are grinding mobs well past easy-kill differentials.

There is also a lot of multi-boxing happening, people dragging around pocket-healers, which kinda destroys the whole point of hardcore in my view. That doesn’t twist my arm as much as the server-side breakage though.

The sheer number of players restarting after death is causing some crazy-low AH prices for starter gear. That actually isn’t a bad thing in my view, but it’s an indication of just how bad the problems are.

Some great group play as well, there have been some fun moments. But those moments become memories the instant your toon dies due to some stupidity (80% server-side stupidity, not player mistakes). Rage is going to become a big issue soon.

The mob rez rate is destroying game play in more ways than one. People are going to burn-out quickly. The game as it is now is one that only a few streamer channels and their groupies can really love.

Make a bank alt and send everything you wouldn’t want to permanently lose to them after paying for training every 2 levels.


Out level harder quest like redridge elite quest, green difficulty still gives good xp.
Never rush into a cave just because everything is dead…cause your about to be if everything respawns on top of you.


Invite people if you’re waiting for the same quest mob and you’re sure that if something goes awry, you can still kill it on your own.

Be very aware of your surroundings, looking around constantly in areas where mobs auto-aggro.

Grab plenty of water/food from vendors before venturing out.

As others have mentioned, first aid, cooking and fishing are important.

Keep an eye on your buffs and reapply when they drop, including food and pot buffs.

If you can, have buddies to group with. If one DCs the others can maybe keep them safe until their toon disappears. It also makes the experience more fun imo.

Be very careful helping others. Only do it if you can without putting yourself in danger of dying.


My tip is, if it’s too hard for you, don’t play Hard Core.

If there are some players keep grinding mobs in your place, it is better to leave the place as the mobs will respawn very fast, the mobs will kill you. I hope Bliz do sth on the respawn rate.

My idea to fix the problem is that make a maximum number of kill on specific mob for all players in a certain time, let say every player can only kill 10 specific mob in 1 hour.
Make every mob can only be killed 10 times only in 1 hour.

Get a new mom.

Avoid taking elevators in Undercity…they are still bugged after almost 20years and you can die by falling down !!
GL and try to HF