Whats your best "i told you i dont tank" moment?

Now this isnt about times of spite, i mean give me a time when you honestly tried and well… it just didnt work out.

For me it was around level 20 or so and i was presured into tanking WC. The first problem is that i had two hunters about 5 levels higher than me pulling everything and i just coukdnt get back agro. Now we get to that part where the first dreadfang is floating around and i charge it, low and be hold we all get feared in different directions and just slowly died from a army of druids and slimes trickling in. Good times.

BIG EDIT: This was a post about humility and just funny screw up moments not like me saying a will never tank or complaining.


Everyone has bad experiences while learning how to tank. But it should be “I told you I’m still learning.” If you can tank you should tank… drives me crazy when I see a group with 1-2 warriors looking for a tank.


Fair point.

Let me reword, “I told you I suck”. Not applicable on me.


Nice!!! Man

I play a tank druid and when someone assumes I’m restro I say yeah I can heal, but just BEARLY. No, you can’t report me for saying bear puns on the forums.


Just sunder and taunt what’s so hard lol


Why do people glorify mediocrity on these forums?

Sort your crap out. Tank if you can/need/want, or don’t, but nobody gives a hoot about “your best daft tanking moment” in the easiest dungeon in the game.

You’re a warrior. Press sunder. The end.


People think tanking while leveling is difficult. They make it more difficult than it has to be and instead of attempting to understand its concepts they scream every time someone asks them if they can fulfill that role.

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This clown and most of the rest of you are so much of what’s wrong with the world; or at the very least the gaming culture.

Dude makes a thread asking for people to share some funny stories about tanking fails and you come in with this bs acting like a total pr*ck.

Many people are bad at things others are good at. I’m sure you’re total garbage at a great many things. At the very least we’ve all had funny or silly moments. Share or ignore it. Don’t come in here all acerbic.


Somebody I didn’t know whispered me to tank for their GG group. I didn’t answer. I assume it was all downhill from there.


Dude made a passive aggressive emo thread where he is the victim of being pressured to tank and ends up “showing them” by failing.

It’s like this whole forum condensed into a miserable paragraph.

Harden up.


I’m no tank, but I feel I can safely say that, among the low level instances, Wailing Caverns is the sh@ts. I hope no one chooses that place as their first ranking experience.


Could easily change out warriors with rogues, hunters, mages, or any other class that cannot tank, as you could be on your tank!

But, while it doesn’t drive me crazy, I do think that it’s better for those who play a class to play all the roles it is capable of, to better familiarize themselves with the toolkit that is available, and tanking on a warrior is no exception.

To the OP, have a look at Elite’s Warrior Tanking Guide as it may be a good starting point for you for macros, etc.


Whats your best “i told you i dont tank” moment?
Well I was tanking most of Scholomance until those magic immune skeleton groups. At that point I told the group, I told you I don’t tank…

After the door though, I continued tanking the instance.


A Warrior I was grouping with just didn’t understand how to tank in SM Cath. I think he may have never even played WoW before this character. I, on my Rogue, was trying to explain to him what he should be doing, and he seemed to honestly be trying. But he just didn’t understand.

So, I told him “watch, like this.” So I started pulling with throwing knives. Then just full on tanking single/double mob pulls. Finally he started to sort of understand and pulled…okay. Any time a problem came up, like an add, I pretty much took over tanking and/or CCing whatever he couldn’t handle.

When we got to the Cathedral proper, he didn’t understand the pulls, so, I just wound up pulling everything and we camped out in the courtyard as I resumed Rogue tanking for this adorably clueless Warrior. I wound up also tanking Whitemane too. Then he won the one handed mace with +healing over the very patient Priest healer…despite him having the Whirlwind Axe and Sword of Omen. After that, I didn’t like him so much.

Also, I was level 36.

I think that Cath run took like an hour or more.



I’m the opposite. I am a healer (only). When someone asks me to tank, I tell them I simply cannot bear it.

Literally. I didn’t train Bear Form.


Yeah, if you took this as passive aggressive (who says emo…?) then I don’t know what to tell you lol. Especially even insinuating he failed on purpose. I mean he even said it wasn’t in spite.

Not sure what part of me you think was soft but… lol

Wisen up.


Wow i didn’t mean to devide the forms! I try to have fun with my own faults and people act like this?

Got a new one for you guys and ghouls, tried to tank sm lib last night and when i died the first time all my gear broke at once! Just skipped yellow lmao.

Im okay with being the last person learning to tank. Im glad so many of you are masters!


I tanked briefly during WotLK. The first time I ended up getting cued to Culling of Stratholme I mentioned that I didn’t know where to go. (Flags on the map…I know that now.) The hunter in group said “It’s easy! Just follow the tank!” Conversely in Violet Hold a few days later one of the dps told me it was his first time there and he didn’t know his way around. (That one was fairly easy to explain to the new guy.)

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