Except that I do have a 60 warrior and I do tank because I can… regardless of spec. It’s not the same thing at all. You can still gear the character you want to play while tanking - those classes cannot.
My sarcasm detector may be broken… it seems you either changed tones mid post or the first sentence was tongue in cheek.
come here buddy, i got a hug for you.
That doesn’t drive me crazy because that’s up to those individuals if they want to tank or not. It’s not my place to tell them how they should play.
Only way to learn tanking is to keep doing it. Don’t be nervous … it’s difficult to learn, but very rewarding. Please don’t turn into yet another warrior who refuses to tank. It always baffles me how warriors look to be the most popular class, yet LF TANK is constantly being posted in the Lookingforgroup channel, sometimes non stop by the same group for over an hour.
Just bear with me hear, I don’t think it’s that big a deal…
I don’t actually remember having an “I told you I don’t tank” moment. I actually rolled a warrior in vanilla when this gal healed Sunken Temple and I saw what a certain plate drop looked like. I decided to tank with that warrior, and had the benefit of already knowing all the lower level dungeons from a healer perspective, as well as knowing what made tanks easier/harder to heal. And I had tanks I’d healed as friends to ask for advice.
Sure, I made mistakes along the way. Sure, I had groups that were completely incompetent. But no matter how frustrated, I never felt like I couldn’t tank.
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Knowing the map and not getting lost is the hard part for me tbh
One thing you can do that I feel has made a HUGE difference is mark caster MOBs with a skull and don’t even bother trying to get aggro on them. If you point all your dps at the caster mob it will die so fast that it doesn’t have a chance to do much damage to anyone and doesn’t need to be tanked. This also allows you to pull the melees away a bit and have some extra time to build aggro on them while the caster is being focused.
Great tip! Always felt like I was playing catch up with dps while tanking . That would definitely get you one step ahead .
Tank x. And let dps kill skull. Only problem would be if dps don’t care about kill order I guess.
I just tell people that I’m new to bear tanking. It doesn’t embearass me🤭
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The hard part about tanking is not which buttons you press…it is the responsibility of knowing the dungeon before entering a group for it.
It is pure and simple the least noob friendly of the roles, due to how people will react to a new tank making mistakes or not knowing the fight mechanics before hand.
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The biggest mistake you can make while tanking is pulling when healer is oom . 2nd would be pulling more mobs than group can handle . 3rd forgetting to switch to defence stance after you use berserker rage
so I get into this group, I get to the instance and hear “ok, pull!” so I pull, aggro goes everywhere and I cannot seem to retain threat, I hit FD as my group wipes. Next thing I know I hear “your the worst tank ever” and get booted.
At this point I go down to Feathermoon stronghold to start fishing, I get another invite, so this time I whisper them asking what they needed, the response I got was “I need about 3G 50S”, it was about this time that I realize its 500 foot tall threshadon from mauaradon.
At least then you know it isn’t your fault and can avoid those players in the future.
This one time in Retail, I was on a hunter and the tank died. The healer said to pet tank. In the confusion, I misdirected to the healer who then was quickly dead. - I told you I don’t tank.
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Lets fight, you and me right meow!
Puns are the lowest form of wit.
(Mainly because I never think of them until the next day.)