What's wrong with Vanish?

You’re right, it does appear to be spell batching.

What should happen:

incoming attack… interrupted by you because you Vanished. Gone from queue.

What is happening:

Incoming attack…you vanished, but incoming stays in queue and is executed after your vanish.

Lame excuse: It was in the queue before you vanished.

Truth: Your vanish should have cancelled the attack.


Yeah this crap is breaking MANY things. I get hit by mobs running in fear all the time.

There is something wrong with how they implemented this and they need to sort it out.


bumping this up

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I’ve mostly been doing PvE content, but over the last couple days, I noticed that Vanish seems to be completely useless in WPvP. Flat out does absolutely nothing, and I can confirm I did not have any debuffs that would have kept me out of stealth.

Is this how it functioned in Vanilla? I might as well just take it off my bar at this point.

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Hey blizz fix this plz

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Oh wow! look at that. Over a week now with no comment.

This is what we pay for guys. Bugs for months on end, on top of all the bugs Blizzard screeches “nochanges” for

Blizz please fix spell batching. It’s not ejecting attacks that are supposed to have been interrupted.

It’s processing them instead and really messing with every single class that has an interrupt, CC, aggro break or escape mechanic in the game.

PLEASE fix this!

In Vanilla, combat interrupts that were not resisted, functioned properly 95% of the time. And in the event of a resist, you get a message.

At this point, you have to consider that the backport has resulted in a slightly different functioning execution of the combat data table… or the mechanics of spell/attack aborts have simply been omitted.


It does not out my alt rogue in combat, but I have improved sap.

I’m assuming this is normal.

Also the “in combat” effect that I occasionally see from NPC targets is off because if I simply sap a different target then it resets.

Can confirm still not working.

Extremely broken.

Dying while Brd pickpocketing when vanish doesn’t work is getting sickening. Fix this!

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keep bumping this uppp

I found if I take a path that avoids dogs entirely Im usually fine. Vanish doesn’t seem to work with dogs. Hitting vanish when a spell is about to hit can sometimes knock you out of it too.

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Can confirm as of 11-29-2019, still not working and not dropping queued attacks against you.

Vanish is so broke. If blizzard played a rogue for 10 seconds they would see. I can’t farm any huminoids because they all ignore vanish.

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Daily reminder that vanish is still broken.

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Another reminder that vanish is still broken. At this point it feels like a waste of flash powder to even attempt it. Level 52 mobs in BRD just ignore it like it never even happened.


So I had a rogue vanish in me last night and instead of breaking him immediately out like I could have I instead observed the situation.

Rogue vanishes, turns 180 and sprints.

Roughly 1.5 seconds pass

Vanish “buff” kicks in and rogue is now undetectable.

LOL 1.5 SECONDS, more likely 1.2 seconds, but that’s just not authentic at all.

That’s 4 X 400ms “batches”.

Odds are their system is bust some how because that’s like… The vanish buff needs to batch 4 times asking everyone for permission and update before executing.


Flair will break stealth instantly, not even 400ms. Nay it’s more like 10ms because it’s almost impossible to detect the rate.


This is still VERY broken. Really driving me nuts trying to farm BRD when I can sprint, vanish, prep, vanish, and I still have regular mobs - NOT the hounds - chasing after me. Please look at your previous attempt at fixing this and find out what’s still wrong! Thanks Blizz…


The idea that this rat company is actually trying and failing to fix basic stuff like this is a hilarious concept. Lizard has been notorious for purposely breaking things that people are enjoying too much.

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