What's With The Hyenas?

We could always start with leveling Astrannar for a Kalimdor highway through Ashenvale.

Honestly I was kind of irked about it when they shoehorned the Vulpera being more hyena associated with their racial mount when they had Alpacas at their disposal.

The Goblins having a thing with the damn hyenas too just feels like they ripped off the former idea with Vulpera above and just copy-pasted it.

It just seems lazy.

Prior to Vulperas the Horde never had any association around hyenas.
Nor did Durotar, the Barrens or much of Kalimdor.

… And neither did Goblins or Gazlowe for that matter.

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Well there haven’t been any vulpera connections in undermine either so far, so I’m stumped.

That kind of emphasises my and Benediktion’s point though, because it just seems like they whipped Hyenas out of their toosh and applied it.

Personally I think they should have had Lynx mounts that were teched out, given they’re in a zone nearby and you could at least argue they were much more easily supplied to them.

This whole topic is endemic of the problem with this forum. Looking too deeply into nothing. Why do goblins have hyenas now? Because they just do, it isn’t any deeper than that.

It isn’t a rip off of an other race nor something that is lazy or whatever.


I’ve reached the point of Why does X race have X thing? and than realizing I don’t actually care all that much

Why do goblins have hyenas? Because they do and they’re good boys and girls.


But they should’ve had battle racoons.


I’m visiting family and not playing the game right now, so I cant WAIT to get back and finally try the DRIVE feature. It seems so cool and I love when WoW adds genuinely new feeling features that shake up the formula.

But I’m also the guy who loves dragon-riding and quests with weird gameplay (aerial assaults, turret sections, bombardments etc) so I’m very biased.

Descriptions like this make me really happy they let Goblins be shaman.

I swear to the Sunwell that this accent existed before Harley Quinn was created. Its wild to think that one fictional character has become the representative for an entire American accent XD

The hyenas are cool. Just too… Alive for my taste. Maybe raise them as undead hyenas, swap their normal skin for a more hardened leather and have some sharp bones poking out of their bodies for combat purposes… Yeah, that’ll do.

That is a very DK solution to everything….

That aside, the Robot Dogs make sense. Robot T Tex, sure. But the flesh and blood hyenas seem to make a different statement just by being.

I admit, I haven’t done every side quest. If they tamed the Loa of Hyena at some point, I missed it.

They did go to Zandalar for some quests.

At least some have your iconic eyes. :eye_in_speech_bubble::robot:


I have two of those on my Draco hunter :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I keep reading that as Draino.


Shrug I just can’t help myself


The hyenas are a spoiler for playable gnolls in the future.
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Seriously have you seen how good the venture co. gnolls look? Jelly.


If so, how do you think it would be handled?

Horde race? Alliance race? Open to both?

They had their own kingdom in Redridge before stormwind wiped it out, if some reasonable ones arrive they’re definitely joining the “Horde only because of the Alliance’s actions” club

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Mhm mhm, I see it. Dark plate, enough skulls on the armour to make Khorne proud, some patches of fur and skin missing with bone showing.

Yup, gnolls will do some really cool-looking DKs