What's With The Hyenas?

This is a new thing, right?

Far as I can tell Goblins were never associated with hyenas before. Yet now they’re all over the place. I guess with the Vulpera in mind tiny races just gravitate to the bone muching cackling catdogs.

Thing is I think it’s a huge missed opportunity because goblins should clearly have genetically modified attack racoons. Big giant trash pandas. Their opposable thumbs could be used to operate firearms and help carry bags of ill gotten wealth.


I thiiiiiink it’s just a horde thing as opposed to specifically a goblin thing. Lots of hyenas in durotar?

That is my guess. A nod to gazlowe building Orgrimmar.

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I had the same thought bouncing off every small object, wall, and surface while wondering why a system with as much potential as D.R.I.V.E. was rolled out in the most claustrophobic content ever designed. Fleeting moments of seeing piles of hyenas and not understanding why, where, or how.

(Okay but the DRIVE system makes sense once you understand that they want you to master drifting and that you can upgrade to make the drift less janky.)


I hate the D.R.I.V.E mechanic. It makes me nauseous and few things do that. Just wanted to get that off my chest :dracthyr_nod:

The hyenas are cute though. Might tame two of them


There aren’t any hyenas in Durotar. They’re in The Barrens but are tamed by Centaur.

For some bizare reason dogs only exist for the Gilneans. And spooky dogs for the Forsaken.

Thankfully though we operate on Disney logic where every animal is a dog. Giant wolf? Giant peacock? A damn velicoraptor? Just horse dogs - dont worry about it.

Can’t relate. I’m waiting for it to be avaliable world wide. You can bunch up people in your cars and do some mad max ish in world pvp. Plus taking tight corners is fun af.

Mood has been just;


I don’t use it. So I don’t really have a horse in that race. It makes me nauseous as I said. Shrug


The key to enjoying D.R.I.V.E. is the making of the doughnuts.


Just to be clear, it isn’t D.R.I.V.E. I take issue with, but the venue in which it exists. There’s too much clutter outside of a few extremely limited thoroughfares.


Hopefully they’ll enable it in the world soon.

Ground mounds need something to make them relevant again (though i would prefer mounted combat on ground mounts at some point.)

That’s the fun though.

D.R.I.V.E is so fun.

Trying to speed level a goblin shaman and pretend he’s a car mechanic who attitude towards cars is basically:

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dafI_Pb1yyg

Sticking a rampaging fire elemental into your engine to power it.

Water cooled systems aided by spirits of water.

Metal forged by spirits of earth.

Speed enhanced by spirits of air.

Just Metal.


Likely hyenas are a Venture co. thing. They already have Gnolls. (odd since the yellow hyena isn’t available) :8ball::robot:

Honestly a missed opportunity for an armored flamingo because… obvious reasons. :robot::thought_balloon:


Its a reference to harley quinn. So are the goblin voices


I have a sort of “wish/head canon” that there is a relationship between Goblins and Vulpera similar to Gremlins and Mogwai. Mostly because in both cases, one is green and ugly while the other is adorable.

Maybe one came from the other, or something. To explain why they are so similar, other than the sake of convenience for the Devs.

The fact that they share hyenas certainly helps my idea a tiny bit.

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I dunno man. There’s a sort of adorableness to Goblins. More so due to the fact they are complete chaos goblins, most who generally mean well, just have a weird way of going about it

Vulpera are just flat out cute though. Love ‘em



I just think someone at Blizzard is a Hyena fan.

Ah… that’s right… The Joker and Harley has Hyenas doesn’t he?..

The Female Goblin Voice resembling Harley’s inspired these Hyenas showing up then…

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I did notice that the hyenas armor are colored depending on what area each cartel operates. Something I never paid much attention to until today actually

As previous posters said, it’s specifically a reference/tie in to Harley Quinn, in particular how she was portrayed in Batman: The Animated Series, where she debuted as a character. Goblins have the same accent as her, after all, and their antics are in line with her original personality.

Specifically she had two of them, Bud and Lou, that even the Joker couldn’t really control, and were pretty firmly her pets and not his. In the episode where she tried to be reformed, for example, she got to keep them and there’s a scene where she’s taking them both for a walk and is confused about why people are so scared. She often refers to them as ‘her babies’.