Kind of curious who thought it was a good idea to make tabards an exalted item now, aren’t they supposed to help you get reputation with the faction, not like be a reward for getting the rep?
As people are mentioning tabards have been like this for 6/8 expacs, I thought it’d be worth mentioning an alternative. Contracts right now give a flat rate of 10 rep no matter what. My opinion is that if they’re going to make the rep grind be the “official real grind” of the game, which is what it feels like. They should make it so that you receive rep through these contracts at a better rate. A percentage or even a higher number on top of what you are receiving would be better than just a flat 10, for reasons being that they give rep in “all of Zandalar and Kul Tiras” I’m sorry but since when is doing a world quest and only getting 10 rep from it for the faction you want ever feel good?
On another note, it’s been mentioned that the Legion rep system and the Battle for Azeroth rep system are equivalent and there have been no changes. I’m very sorry for you if you think this. It’s taken a week and a half to get close to unlocking the Void Elves/Lightforged Draenei from neutral with sitting in Argus for 12 hours a day doing each one, the exact same move I did with Zuldazar. It took nearly 2 months to even get near exalted with the Zandalari Trolls.
That severe of a difference is absolutely insane. It takes a week-2 weeks to rep grind for a lot of the older factions, not sure why they would change it now.
Another alternative would be bringing back the “championing” feature I think they had in Pandaria that was mentioned, where it’s not nearly as good as just making it not take 2 months of doing nothing else to get rep, it’d make it easier on alts so you wouldn’t do the same rep grind over and over again.
Even if you don’t agree with making tabards permanently give you rep, heaven forbid I can’t dungeon and get rep instead of sitting somewhere for weeks on end for 12 hours a day… I hope you think one of the other solutions would at the very least be helpful.
It was well before that became a thing. Though the excuse was players complained about grinding rep through dungeons. I’d rather run dungeons then do dailies for a month.
I agree. I liked when the Tabards where used as an item to assist with the Rep grind. It was nice when you could get them at honored to help get thru Revered/Exalted.
Even more tho, I miss when WoW had consistency with items like Tabards that existed from one xpac to the best.
It’s like the WoW team instead of evolving the game for the better over time, they just started adding/subtracting and throwing things at the wall too see if they stick.
Rep Tabards are definitely a concept that should “stick”.
Hey, I agree wholeheartedly. Blizz doesn’t though. You can’t even grind mobs anymore for rep. All your rep is strictly metered out to you on a daily basis with world quests and emissaries.
After cata, they became a cosmetic thing. The issue is after that, blizz started to transition from content being locked behind character progression to content being locked behind reputation. If they allowed tabards to work the way they originally did, you would find the vast majority of wow content to evaporate overnight.
Not anymore. The idea of tabards has changed over the years. Prior, it was meant to give you reputation. Now, it’s meant to showcase your exalted status as a member of that specific reputation.
The use / point behind a tabard has evolved from one thing to another.
I tried to Google why they removed it and all I could find was reddit users giving their 2 cents. This response had the highest votes:
Iirc their reasoning was that they wanted you to earn rep by doing activities associated with that faction, rather than just passively earn rep while doing activities you’d be doing anyway that might not have anything to do with them
Cata. It was a thing for like… WotLK and Cata. Isn’t that it?
They’re just a trophy for doing the grind now.
I prefer it this way tbh. “Rep Tabards” were stupid. Slap on the tabard and grind a faceroll dungeon you outgeared probably months ago all day and boom exalted.
Defeats the purpose of a rep grind, especially in modern WoW, which is to unlock something over time, be that gear early in an expansion, Pathfinder, Allied Races, Dungeon Unlocks early in an expansion, or whatever else.
It’s supposed to take a little time, it’s not meant to be done over a weekend, which is what Rep Tabards turned it into.
I wholeheartedly agree, (especially with the BFA world quests that only give you a flat rate 50 rep per quest, which is far different from Legion’s system of giving you rep and rewards based on the difficulty of the quest).
The idea that it didn’t stick is ridiculous to me, and they never should’ve been taken out. what’s the point in a tabard at exalted?
I thought that grinding mobs being the only way to get Emperor Shaohao rep in Pandaria was awful, but I must say I miss being able to kill mobs and get rep. It’s genuinely ridiculous how long it takes to get exalted with some of these newer factions.
Tabards give you an almost minuscule amount of rep anyway unless you chained nearly hundreds of dungeons together.
Where this is probably fine and well, they need to actually give more rep for “related activities” for a lot of things. All of the BFA world quests give you 50 rep per quest, and with a contract you only get 10 more, so then it’s like… 60 rep? for doing one quest. I’m doing Legion content and getting a range of rep based on the activity’s difficulty, which is how it should be.
“A little time” is not 1-2 months of doing every world quest every single day whenever they pop up.
I agree with this! Like you honor the people by killing their enemies while wearing their colors. I guess when they implemented transmog and people hid their tabards, the devs were like, “Tabards don’t honor the factions anymore, let’s just get rid.”
So recently, I went to unlock the Zandalari Trolls and the Vulpera. This requires exalted. BFA world quests grant you 60 rep with a contract, 50 without. It took nearly a month and a half to get even close to exalted, while doing every world quest every single day (I have nothing else to do right now anyway), but that’s utterly ridiculous. I earned my exalted with the mag’har unintentionally just for existing around them it seems.
I thought it was weird that I only had that option for MoP factions…
Which reputation are you having trouble eith? I’ve got a couple of characters exalted on everything and planning to make a void elf monk soon and nail the reputations on it.
If you’d like I can give advice. Biggest annoyances are the new 8.3 reps since they don’t have emmisaries etc.
Pretty much all of them in Classic and BC were rewards for reaching the end of various battleground and reputation grinds, as well as long questlines.
Wrath deviated for the initial set of reps, but had plenty of “prestige” tabards mixed in, and went back to the old model pretty much exclusively later in the expansion. You had the various faction tabards at the Argent Tournament, Lightbringer being a reward for completing Shadowmourne, Loremaster/Achiever/Explorer becoming a thing, tabards from PvP seasons, etc.
Cata’s the only expansion that basically did it 100%. They even converted some of the Argent Tournament tabards to be used in that fashion. Then they went back to the norm with Pandaria.
This was mostly because the initial reps had iirc shoulder enchants locked behind them and they wanted people to be able to get them quickly to gear for raiding. The later reps didn’t have anything so mandatory and were mostly the same as they are now, cosmetic stuff with a bit of gear that is mostly useless but can be used if your luck for drops was just that bad.