What's with hunters' gun appearances?

It is 2020… or shall we say almost 2021 and yet hunters in WOW hold their guns in their hand like a piece of STICK!!
Has anyone else been bothered by that as well?

A two-handed weapon should be properly held with two hands not held like a stick!
I always transmong guns and turn them into bows, just because of this reason.
It just does not look proper, come on Blizz most games nowadays offer amazing and very realistic pictures of these things.


This game has has never been about realism. We don’t hear spell casters chanting as they cast frost bolts or fire blast. We don’t see rogues weaving hand signs as he shadow dances

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I find it depressing that IMHO the best looking gun appearance is from TBC. Wolfslayer’s Sniper Rifle from Karazan is pretty much the only gun I’ll use for xmog.



I love this weapon… The Darkshore gun comes close but no other gun beats the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle, not even the legion weapon.

The ulduar guns look great for dwarves.

As an elf though, wouldn’t a bow fit your character more?

What we really need is some awesome crossbow mogs.

I still like my railgun:


Edit: though tbh, I pretty much only use the MM fire-wing artifact appearance on my horde hunter (quiver!), and Thoridal on my alliance hunter (artifacts don’t match my xmog).

You know the blue Balance of Power tint from Glory of the Legion Hero is like a perfect match for that xmog, right?

Literally what I used 100% of the time from the moment I unlocked it up until the moment Worgen Heritage Armor came out.

I think I tried it, and it didn’t look quite right. I’ll have to double-check. Thori just fits so well, though.

Edit: oh, wait, the kinda cyan-colored one? Ya, I never got Glory during Legion, and even if I did, it woulda been on my DH or lock, most likely.

I do hate that this is no longer obtainable

The one I have mogged.

Glory is easy to solo now, excepting like 5 achievements which require a group.

Happy to help if you need it, I have a couple toons that need glory.

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May take ye up on that, actually.

Adreaver #11707

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I wish we can have a choice in how we hold them. Would at least love if Blizzard gave us emotes for how we can hold our weapons. Be damn awesome if we can just…I dunno, have a stance like guards in Boralus or how Goblin/Vulpera held their guns when out of range.

They won’t even remap enchant illusions to ranged weapons. No chance at all they’d put in the animation time to give us multiple ways to hold guns. =/

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These would be one of my other choices. But for me, these just aren’t up to the Wolfslayer’s

I do use bows with my elf and orc hunters, but I also have a dwarf hunter.

Agreed. There are very few of these I like and they are all a bit underwhelming green quality models.

Not a fan, but too each their own.

Every time I see a hunter with the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix and they are not a Blood Elf, I cringe a little… It is just perfectly made for a Blood Elf… Its like any other race walking around with Tauren Totems on their backs, its just weird. I’m sure its just me though…

definitely… I love mine. Goes with my cryptstalker armor too.

How about Skyfire Hawk-Bow, Thori’dal and Golden Bow of Quel’thalas?

Skyfire is basically the sunfury without the Blood Elf symbol, I have Thoridal and use it every once in awhile, don’t have the golden bow. I dunno I guess I kinda feel the same way, just less so because its not quite as obvious.

Like I said though… I’m weird that way, people can do what they want. I guess its more thematic than anything. Like my UD hunter will prob never use a Rhok’delar mog.

Not weird at all. I’m the same way for the most part. The weapon and pets need to fit with the hunter race.

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