What's with all the entitled mages in BGs?

No one told you to pick Rogue and a NE at that. First and second mistake right there.

I’m not the one crying about have to perform my class roles in group content.

I’m not the OP… you dont see me crying. When I bg I play to win and even while I was on alliance side for classic my winning % was pretty damn good.

If you ask politely I’m sure mages will have no problem dropping a table. But I dont expect them to drop one every game and I will never do that on my mage.

Yes, I figured you were one of those mages.

like dps peel off a healer, that’s a joke

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I hear you… but when I play my mage. I peel off my healers like crazy.

No you don’t, any rogue can get them free from pockpocketing.

But you’re too busy crying about mages to do anything on your own.


I usually drop a table, but rarely see a please or ty. It gets a little old when you run several BGs in a row and get requests for it every time. Don’t often see people actually drinking/eating in casual BGs anyway - they are normally dead before then :slight_smile: - but I do see people leave once they grabbed from the table.

So please be polite in asking. Then I think you’ll see more tables.


I am not gonna spam water and food as Enh Sham in BGs at every opportunity but I would if I get mage food. I dont bother asking mages but if they dont drop tables themselves I do it very easy I am OOM I either drop from some height and die or run into enemy and die. Then I spawn with full mana bar with a potential 30s respawn timer and sometimes losing flag/node. Problem solved

You’re just jealous because I can reach the cookie jar.


Imagine crying about a mage table when you could stop being a cheap whiner and go buy your own food and water from any one of a thousand vendors in Outlands.

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Why would you spend 2g per battleground on vendor food when the mage in your group could provide it to you and the whole team for just a 2 silver?


healer in a bg
no heal in sight
guess who’s not getting a peel when the warrior is beating the dog poop out of them

(see what i done did thar?)

People peel in battlegrounds?

You can also buy conjured food/water from a mage on your server. With no stack limit.

I always have food and water, but if I’m grouped with a mage I expect them to share their group utility when asked. They get a health stone and see invis from me, expecting some biscuits in return isn’t asking for much.

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Well then it doesnt affect the battle ground as much as stated. If everyone is always prepared like they should be, it’s a nicety.

It does affect it though. People are more likely to just not sit and eat to regen when it means burning through your stack of vendor food. I see it all the time. Meanwhile if they have 4 stacks of mage food that regens both with one click they will stop and regen after a fight because it doesn’t mean burning through 2g in a battleground.

It’s almost like we are all trying to afford epic flying and raid consumables and don’t have gold to burn because some mage can’t be bothered with clicking a gcd and spending 2 silver lol.

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People that wont eat their own food/water are in the same whambulace category as the mage that wont summon the table for the benefit it provides the team for the win.

It costs that individual what 2g for 6stacks? That then also stack with table stacks, if a mage does drop a table.

So you pay 2g and are covered for the entire day?

oh gee I have to press a button in the pre-game. What an absurd attitude to have!

No one is “obligated” to buff either, I guess. But you still do if you’re not a pinecone.

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