What's with all the entitled mages in BGs?

Hey Vegeta remember that bug planet?

Is that the one where Baby came from or are you talking about the one with the worm that almost ate Kakorot?

Hey Vegeta are we there yet?

Dude I so already busted you. You and Valkra are the same account and you are responding to yourself using those two characters to bump your own posts.

It is very easy to tell, because ignoring someone is account wide.


You continue to expose yourself by how you project, lol. If you want to talk to me, talk to me on my thread. Don’t be a coward and talk behind me.

You came here and interjected your thrash thread.

I am not giving that thread any more attention. Let it die like it should.

So much hate within you. Eat clean. Breathe fresh air. Meditate. Go to the gym. Do something healthy with your life. THEN, feel free to contribute something of meaningful value. You got called out multiple times by multiple people and are afraid to confront anything. Typical of a “little rascal”, kek.

No other class can stealth like a rogue…

“Table please.”
“I’ll give you the table after we defend and cap the bunker. Just follow me.”

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So you’ll drop the table once people don’t need it because the fighting is over?

Sure. They can use it in the next BG they play in.


  1. I know they won’t just afk out.
  2. I know they aren’t there to mindlessly chase HKs.
  3. See above. They might have learned a thing or 2 in 15 years.
  4. Players in general might be zugzug these days, but they might be less zugzug.

Basically, anything that shows me they don’t fit the general mold of the current player base deserves water. Hell, while I’m farming motes. If anyone lets me tag the the mob or shows any sort of random courtesy, any any point in time, I’ll offer them water and food. If i’m running by and someone buffs, me I’ll whisper then and offer them water and food. If I’m fighting a quest mob, and someone helps, I’ll offer them water and food. If I get an invite from people who are fighting a quest mob, I’ll offer.

I’ll dish out a table without even asking. But for your typical greedy, no patience, I need it now, scrubby, me me me, player? lol. Yeah. No.

So you won’t drop a table to help the game you’re currently playing? Wow. Just wow. For all you know that is their last BG before logging off or going to raid or whatever. So the table you drop after the fighting is over offers no help for the current game and may not even help in any future games. Thanks for being the face of what this thread is about.

This is the takeaway. Never show up to a battleground with no food or water. Especially since there’s no guarantee there will even be a Mage on your team (outside of AV).

The Mage should drop a table but it’s never a mage’s fault if you show up with nothing.

Well, it kind of is though.

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I got you Shadows. These guys don’t understand but I’m going to explain to all the non-rogue players about “responsibility”:

Warriors - a warrior’s job is to keep battle shout up for the rogue at all times

Hunters - hunters must be BM and be in the rogue’s group to provide ferocious inspiration. Otherwise their job is to guard the flag room

Priests - provide fort and shadow protection. Shut up and follow the rogue around to pocket heal them. Don’t expect peels, the rogue is too busy

Mage - Drop the table. Give the rogue AI because they need all the buffs. Decurse instantly

Paladin - Give might, give kings. Pocket heal the rogue. Compliment the rogue, call them Daddy

Shaman - god help you if you’re not twisting WF and GoA at all times. 100% totem uptime and heals or so help me god you filthy shaman

Warlock - give healthstone, give soulstone. Don’t give soulstone to others idiot, give it to the rogue

Druid - give Mark, instantly decurse and depoison, blow all mana on healing rogue

And finally the rogue, who has the hardest job of them all - pickpocket MT, LOLRUBIES


Finally someone gets it.

Can’t believe this thread is still going.

-cant spend few silver on table
-gets tipped 5-10g for clicking a mouse on portal button

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Says the rogue who offers no buffs/food/cookies…talk about entitlement. Check yourself, don’t like mages not giving free food? Solution: Level a mage, problem solved. Other players are not here to make your game play easier. You choose your class, deal with it. There are NPC’s that offer food/water.

Well if it isn’t…LITTLE RASCAL!

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