What's with all the alliance hiding under the bridge?

And I’ll ask again. What evidence?

Wow that edit :joy:

Posted it in the 2000+ reply thread on AV, go look it up yourself. I’m not going to bother finding it for you because every time I post the evidence you map criers go into personal attacks and if ore it.

Your screenshots of afks is your evidence? Honest question because I’ve seen no evidence to support alliance winning anywhere near 40% even on AV weekend.

I’ve had alliance win during AV weekend that’s because the PVP Rankers and sweats came in and horde didn’t want to back cap they got comfortable with their 99% win ratio either alot of them were bots

This is pointless. I’m done.

When blizzard announced alliance couldnt premade av anymore, most of them went to wsg/ab. It’s better honor for alliance to premade wsg/ab since they have instant queues.

Jadei, my point that I repeated a lot, is not to alliance to zerg ibgy. It is to pushback horde and not let leakers until you reach ibgy. Just like horde does for shgy. Then only alliance will be able to win. The cave advantage is almost a mirage. Despite what people think, the running back time is almost the same as alliance in the same situation (I timed it). The only real advantage is horde can rez 20 instead of 10. Do you know how often it applies ? almost never. so goes with the advantage.

Except it’s not.

You still don’t get it. Even if we push horde all the way back, we’re leaving SHGY open for assault and losing SHGY is much more detrimental for alliance than losing IBGY is to horde. If you haven’t understood that by now, there’s not many other ways to explain that.

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Your graphic is flawed. You need to add running time in horde cave (you can’t epic mount in cave).

And yeah I get it. Don’t leave shgy open. that’s it. It’s like saying horde is leaving ibgy open to get shgy. Just don’t do it if you don’t want it. Get leakers.

Horde can afford to let IBGY soft cap if they take SHGY, alliance can’t. Alliance have to hard cap IBGY without SHGY soft capping. That with horde having the cave rez means alliance have to either have just a simply better team by 2-3 times, or horde are zerging and it’s a race.

Bro. Drop it. You’re wrong. End of story.


Yeah I don’t agree with that, the discussion have been on that for a while. Cave rez is barely an imbalance ( I think I proved it). Alliance can just push back horde to shgy. They don’t do it cause of meta, rankers out, fast queues and it all spiraled down.

ehh what about you give some arguments ? So far nothing is proving I’m wrong except people saying it.

That’s fine, if you don’t understand how 20 > 10 there’s really not much more to discuss.

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Don’t be dishonest, I totally understand it and I said it. I even recognized it’s an imbalance : 20 hordes can rez in cave instead of 10 allies at spgy. Yeah, it looks big. Now is it game breaker ? No it is not. Far from it.

How many Avs did you play ? Tell me how many time there is more than 10 people that need to rez at any graveyard every 30 seconds ? The answer is almost never. Maybe one time out of 50. The rez imbalance is barely an effective advantage.

Really, I don’t know why people don’t just admit the av meta is because of rankers who left av and fast queues for alliance. It seems so obvious. Don’t know why people want to be in denial of that. I don’t gain any advantage either ways.

That’s cool you don’t understand 20 is a bigger number than 10.

Under the bridge is close enough to both SPGY and the main base to catch HKs, so when you’ve admitted defeat it’s not a bad place to stand. Plus it’s hilarious to gank Horde as they get MC’d or otherwise fall off the bridge.

BecAuse anyone pressing buttons and participating in AV is just helping some other leecher get the rewards. Everyone learned this so everyone just afks.

I feel bad for you horde who have to actually look at your screen when you queue AV, I’m usually in the other room