Whats up with warlocks (PvP)?

Ehh at this point I just hope you’re trolling, but definitely a 1200 andy

good luck


Cuz most lock players are pretty bad…
You’ll find 80% of lfg is litter with desperate lock players that struggle to find players…

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Probably related to the equally researched statistic that most shamans named Prosurfer are terrible at the game

Not sure why you tried putting on your big boy pants there…
Tells me one of two things either your a lock player in lfg asking for 1500 players cuz your win/loss ratio is abysmal
Youre struggling to cope about there being bad players … for whatever reason you took it personally… maybe actually you are a bad player

Regardless why don’t you bring that ego way down you irrelevant slug. Ha

It’s crazy that you backed out of this, LOL. I was letting YOU choose what class we compare a Warlock’s kit to!

Very, very telling.

GG my dude.

Lethal dose of irony, watch out :nerd_face:

No, im not a warlock, Im just pointing out your statement is about as stupid as you could have made it generalizing players based on nothing except anecdotal thoughts banging around in that empty skull of yours.

Not sure why you got so butthurt over me using your same logic against you, as a joke btw :joy: sad yet predictable response from the room temp IQ champ.

I already did and you refuted nothing and typed out textual diarrhea

You get what you ask for Mr. 1200

Show me where you followed up by saying what class we will compare Warlocks to, and i will send you all the money i own.

Why do you sit here and type fallacy after fallacy?? Who do you think it fools?? Literally everyone can see you lying with no hesitation.

Go edit your post or something, at least, lol. At least make it KIND OF look like you’re talking about something, instead of just saying “i already did” when we can ALL just scroll up and see that you didn’t.

You’re just rambling now, not reading that lmao

You may be 1400 one day

Still waiting for a real response bahahhaa



Just wow.

scroll down after getting bored at like post 20 and this druid alt poster still babbling about locks

Just because something is good it may not be fun or have a huge draw. Doesn’t mean it’s not strong. Preg/rsham and prot/rsham come to mind in wotlk, strong comps but they’re zero-respect and not generally considered enjoyable

Also rating bashing on an alt is always funny.
Edit Locks are almost identically-represented with Mages at the top of 3s. And higher-ranked than Hunters+Warrs
Technically they’re decent in 2s I guess since they can hit 47 min timeout games very easily. But that’s not gonna draw people to playing a Lock in 2s

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good points, would like to add pet combat bug becoming unsappable. hugely powerful
sorry meant to edit this into my other msg. now im flood posting

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Oh, someone agrees with your opposition? Better call them an alt, good way to diminish opposing credibility! You’d make a good dictator, you know all the strategies.

Ok, let’s roll this out. Gotta do everything myself, when arguing with a brick wall.

  • Spammable Ranged On-Target Fear

And mages have poly, which can only be cleared by druids, while fear is cleared by warriors, shamans, priests, dk’s, and an entire race (undead).

  • Instant AoE Fear

And mages have dragon’s breath, which is actually better for a lot of reasons. The cone means you don’t have to get in the dead center of everyone. It also doesn’t DR with anything else in your kit. It also has a lower CD.

  • Instant Ranged On-Target Horror

Let’s just compare this to Impact. They’re very different obviously, but still similar. Coil has a fat cooldown and very short duration. Impact has no cooldown other than its DR, which by the way is not shared with anything. Coil is typically used to clutch CC a healer, but Impact drastically slows down enemy pressure and can ruin entire Go windows. The main reason we’re comparing the two is because neither side has a direct comparison to the other ability, but both are CC’s.

  • Unrivaled On-Target AoE

Mage can out-rot a Warlock, lol. And a mage can do it on their own without requiring babysitting. (Which you can say about everything here.)

  • Dispel Protection (Unstable Affliction)

Would you rather have “dispel protection” based entirely on a few dice rolls, or not care if you’re dispelled in the first place?

  • Ranged Silence/Interrupt

Ok. Counterspell. And on yourself, rather than your very killable pet (that the team, again, has to babysit).

Granted, there are upsides to it being on the pet, but also downsides.

  • Offensive Dispell

On a… 15 second cooldown, or something???

Versus no cooldown SpellSTEAL, where you get the buff??? Like pally wings, for example???

  • Ranged Slow/70% slow in melee

Yeah, i mean, obviously… we got cone and nova, lol. One of those being a hard root…

  • Increased received healing with Demon Armor

And mages have a cheat death.

Increased healing don’t do much when you’re 100-0 in a healer CC chain. But a cheat death sure does.

  • Curse of Tongues

(Which mages can remove, lol.)

  • Massive Self Healing

Massive Self Invulnerability

  • Teleport

You got me there. Mages don’t have this.

  • Probably missed a couple

Yes, you did.

Like how warlocks have a single spell school, and mages have 3.

That’s certainly always a good one to forget. We’re probably forgetting other things, too! This is fun. Let’s put our heads together and figure out what else we didn’t yet mention…

The mind of a sub-1300 player folks

Why fight this battle when its already established and literally no one but yourself thinks that?


Break it down, Bool! You always do!

Give us the big informative posts that you’re known so well for.

You haven’t said anything of value either, you’ve been babbling this entire time

Every point in your last post actually means nothing lol

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OMGGGGG I’m so dumb!! I didn’t realize!! I thought i was comparing the two classes, but i never stopped to consider that all of my points mean nothing!!

GOD I’m such a FOOL!!!

Indeed you are

I cant take any of these guys seriously when they conveniently “choose” not to play warlock, while simultaneously desperately trying to argue how good warlocks are.

Mate, if the class was so good, more people would play it. Thats a fact. There would be Warlocks flooding in here to prove hottiepants wrong. But instead, its just Hunters and Ret Paladins, essentially pleading with people to play Warlock so they can farm easy wins off them. Theres a reason 1/3 of the playerbase are paladins and not Warlocks. And theres a reason these disingenuous guys want you to play warlock.

There are a total of 8 warlocks in top 1000 arena players in the 2v2 bracket. Either make warlocks to prove the entire US Playerbase wrong, or admit the class is weak and thats the real reason why none of you play warlock.

It’s funny you say that. I play paladin in cata cuz i loved holy in Wrath. I decided to venture out and try ret in cata. Lot of fun.

And yes. Seeing a Warlock is JUICY. “Nice, a target dummy!”

But trying to stick on a mage is an absolute NIGHTMARE, and i have a no-cooldown slow/root removal and a 45% sprint, LOL.

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