Whats up with warlocks (PvP)?

When the arena gates open and there’s a warlock on the other team, you’ve won the match. This is why there are only 8 warlocks in the top ONE THOUSAND players. Every single person in here arguing that warlocks are good are just trying to get more locks into arena so they can farm easy wins and pad their rating.

You couldnt pay these guys to play warlock. Surprising, right? Since the class is soooo good? People never flock to classes that are strong, right?

Its good to see the 1300 players agreeing and having fun, so cute


When there are only 8 warlocks in the top 1,000 players, its easy to guess that we’re not one of the 8 warlocks above 1300 rating. The odds were in your favor there :clap:

You actually prove our point about Warlocks.

Indeed, having a high skill curve does that

Whatever you say, you’ll break 1500 one day

Thats exactly my point. I guess all warlocks in the United States of America are bad too. Definitely not the class.

Edit: all but 8 :laughing:

The 1200 mind cannot comprehend this

If Locks were so good, you’d 100% be playing warlock instead of Hunter. You’re fooling no one.

Nah, I’ve always been a hunter/warrior main

dont waste time arguing with him he’s a troll

One of the many different bottom lines that you could choose from:

Warlocks are one of the most popular classes in the game. They summon demons, shoot flames, and use darkness magic. They have fiery demon horse mounts. They appeal to subtle gameplay enjoyers through Affliction, and big number enjoyers through Destro. I wouldn’t be surprised if most people who play Wow said that their favorite class is Warlock. (Mine is.)

It’s pure delusion to say that they aren’t being played because “they’re just too difficult”. They aren’t EVEN top 3 most difficult classes to play. And yet they ARE, somehow, still the least represented in pvp.

That’s HOW STRONG the “weak factor” is with the class in pvp.

And the reason you try SO HARD to fallacy your way through this discussion is because you HATE losing to them, because it’s embarrassing. I’ve lost to warlocks before too. It IS embarrassing. But that’s fine. Just own it. Why sit here and have this weird crusade?

Like… okay. Real talk, we can all see the emptiness of your posts. You could either be trolling this entire time, or actually be that mentally lacking. It’s one or the other. But we can all SEE your posts. You aren’t WHISPERING to us. You’re publicly posting. Which means everyone can SEE what you’re saying, and all you’ve been saying is “nuh uh, ur dumb”.

So… just… why??? That’s my question.


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Too many words, not reading that

Can’t wait to see Chan take 1st place next tournament next season

If you can get a lock past 1800 rating ill walk back everything i said and admit that im wrong and you were right. But im 100% confident you cannot do what only 8 people in the entire US playerbase have been able to achieve.

Very convenient that you play Hunter and Warrior. Locks must be SO good :laughing:. Everyone is a “hunter and warrior main since forever”. Mmhmmm.

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That’d be easy but I like leveling my mains first, Warrior is next

I’ll do it as Demonology as well

OP to get back on your topic

I liked destro and played it throughout wrath, but in Cata they hard nerfed chaos bolt and other changes to other classes made the spec weaker (no dispel protection on immo sucks now.)

Wonderful! It will be nice to see 9 Lock players in the top 1000 instead of 8. /s

Hard to get back on topic when he’s been mogged 6 ways from sunday by basically everyone

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This thread has been great.



Yeah, i mean… he’s been hard trolling the whole time, I’m just literally mentally handicapped and can’t help myself but to respond constantly. It’s like an OCD thing. Because even though he’s trolling, there ARE others that think and argue like that, so my OCD feels like it has to “address it” or else it goes “unressolved”.

Yeah. It’s really annoying. I gotta get better at controlling it.

There is no troll, you are an unhinged bad player and it is shown in all of your responses

Can you truly not accept that?

When you’re in high MMR seeing a Warlock makes you groan cause you know they’re great players and you’re about to deal with some annoying BS, but you’ve never experienced that

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he’s right in the OP though. There just aren’t many lock pvpers. Cata as an expansion sucks for those who enjoy lock outside of a niche. I suppose if you enjoy 45 minute games it’s really powerful, but I don’t blame people flocking to classes with quicker and easier results either.

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