Whats up with warlocks (PvP)?

Wtf are you even talking about man, lol

He got counter comped by 3 other amazing players and lost in the grand finals. So what, it happens.

You clearly have some weird axe to grind.

So a guy that’s been playing Warlock for 20 years played an “uncounterable comp” and only lost cuz he got countered?

Damn, sorry guys, once again I’m just SOOO dumb.

You avoided my point so I will state it again

The people he faced in that tournament have been playing as long as he has, whats your point little man?

My point is that you said his comp was uncounterable, then promptly explained his loss as him being countered.

“Little man.”

Rofl… WHO am i even talking to right now??? I really should leave… This feels wrong.

I never said that, your anger is getting you all mixed up

Lil man seething at the fact he’s completely wrong, the small ego of this child knows no bounds

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Destro is one of the strongest casters in the game in WOTLK. In MoP, both Destro and Aff are monsters. And in WoD, Aff was continuously one of the strongest specs in the game, being able to not only spread pressure extremely well but also burst people down just as hard as a mage could, it was completely broken

There was zero spriest, dps sham, or boomkins in the tournament. A warrior got 2nd place in EU. Multiple warlock teams did very well and like mentioned chan got 2nd in US.

A player or class winning or not doesnt make them bad… you’re saying one of the most powerful class thats sitting in S tier is weak… Warlock has the strongest consistant pressure of all classes in an xpac with slower pace. I main spriest Duelist xp and warlock is clearly the big brother. Saying any class can replace lock in their comps is crazy. RLS only ever gets a kill because of the warlock lol MLS is enabled by UA protecting combust, shadowcleave is the warlock melting everyone while DK spams necrotics. Warlock is amazing in cata and saying otherwise is actual trolling.


Yes. Warlock is slow pace in a fast pace game. Lol.

You keep saying they’re S tier, as you then carry on to describe how they failed to win their tournaments, and lose to other classes, and yada yada. The entire meaning of S tier is lost upon you. To put it bluntly: if Locks were S tier, Chan would not lose a tournament. That’s how this works. That’s what S tier means. You wouldn’t even BE ABLE to say that he got counter comped. (Which i already mentioned the contradiction in here, when the lock comps were labeled uncounterable by some of you.)

You’re just flurrying. Just saying words. And I’m sitting here breaking it down with logic and evidence, in a crowd of crazies. So… really, what even am i doing??? Lol. I’m the real idiot here.

So many terrible takes in here.

Its obvious a lot of you people have not played arena at any level above 1500. Its crazy, almost insane to read people calling warlock a bad class in arena.

They are very hard to play well even at an entry level. They are the number one kill target for 2 reasons.

Easy to train at low rating because those players lack the skill to output dmg and kite melee.

Second, at higher levels it would be insane to even allow a half decent warlock at 2200+ rating to free cast. The lock is the biggest threat with UA, silence and fears, you have to get the lock under control, CC or kill it.

Locks have low participation because they are an odd class to play well. You need a ton of experience to properly survive other classes just training you into the ground.

Compare that to a ret paladin or Dk. Both classes have amazing utility that can be amazing in the hands of a pro, but unlike warlock, even a fresh ret or dk player in arena can manage target, move forward and press buttons.

You cannot do that on a warlock. You have to have excellent positioning, kiting etc.

But yeah warlocks are easy, ok. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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This is a fallacy. Warlocks are not the only class that fits these descriptions. And yet, it’s somehow the only class that you’re leaning on those descriptors to explain their low representation situation.

So we’re right back to square one: You’re on major cope about losing to a class that “killed you outta nowhere” because you spent 15 minutes failing to meet your win condition, thus falling into theirs.

That is not what S tier means lmfao that is not how any of this works. So rogues in S tier, or hunter or whatever class you wanna pick, they aren’t S tier because they lost too? What are you even saying? They are the best vs the best players and on that day someone has to win. Your logic is replaced with a btchbox of a mouth & you should stop embarrassing yourself.

What? If its s-tier it wont lise a tourney? That is your logic?

Idiot. Period. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Didn’t take you long to break down in that post, did it?

Ok, so:

  1. That IS how that works. That IS what S tier means. If equal players are playing, and one class is S tier, guess what? The S tier wins. Or are you saying every class is S tier?

  2. The PLAYER has nothing to do with a CLASS being S tier.

In a single paragraph, you showcased that you, in fact, do not have any idea what you are saying. Literally. You do not know what your words mean.

To me, this is what makes Warlocks not S Tier. If the class is so hard to play due to glaring class weaknesses that you have to be a 9000 IQ god to overcome these weakness, then it just feels like a mid tier class thats being propped up by a god tier player. Chan and Snutz have the skill level to do even better on probably any other class. Can you imagine Chan on a Fire mage?

Cant really use the 0.01% as proof that Warlocks are good. Chan could make a Survival Hunter look good. If he played SV Hunter, would we all be spreading that SV Hunters are s tier?

Bro, there are multiple classes in a comp, multiple “S tier” classes. One of them losing doesn’t demote them or negate their tier. You left your logic at the door, clown. I said this in my post above yet here you are trying again :joy: him placing SECOND in all of NA vs other S tier classes means warlock isnt S tier?? Go ahead and parse that one out.

SV sucks though and you’re crazy to think he would be anything near his Warlock so your entire wall of text means nothing. Your problem is you think someone could squeeze out R1 with a survival hunter… its not going to happen

no one rates a class by how well most people can do with them… they rate them by their entire kit and what can be done with it

In this case for Warlock it is a lotttt

You think a Warlock’s kit contains “a lottttt”? That’s absolutely wild to say.

Hell, i honestly think EVERY class has more in their kit than a Warlock. But go ahead. Tell me about it. What is in a Warlock’s kit? Then we’ll compare it to literally any class you choose.

I’m giving you ALL THE POWER in this discussion, and you’re still going to resort to fallacies, aren’t you? Let’s wait and see.

Spammable Ranged On-Target Fear
Instant AoE Fear
Instant Ranged On-Target Horror
Unrivaled On-Target AoE
Dispel Protection (Unstable Affliction)
Ranged Silence/Interrupt
Offensive Dispell
Ranged Slow/70% slow in melee
Increased received healing with Demon Armor
Curse of Tongues
Massive Self Healing

Probably missed a couple

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Ok, now what class do you wanna compare it to? (Skipping some of those incorrect statements, like “unmatched aoe,” and skipping some in-class anti-synergy like both fears DR’ing with each other, and all the classes that can break fear without trinkets or dispels… etc etc etc.)

lol link your warlock

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