Whats up with warlocks (PvP)?

they are harder to play than Fire mages, DK, Ret, rogues.

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Warlocks are not harder to play than rogues, depending on what you mean by that.

Warlocks are a worse class, and rogues have a much higher floor, so in a way, yes, getting X results on Warlock is harder than on a rogue. However, maxing out a rogue is much harder than maxing out a Warlock because they have a much higher ceiling and maximum output than a Warlock does. So in that regard, rogues are way harder to play.

Calling BS. Locks were great in Wrath and are even better in Cata. They’re better in both of those expacs than they were in TBC.

They just have more significant downsides than other S tier classes, namely the reliance on the pet and low mobility.

An “S tier” character with significant downsides… isn’t an S tier character.

You keep starting the story with the forced narrative that Locks are top tier, but then as the story progresses, we keep having it revealed to us that they are, in fact, not top tier.

RLD was a top 3 comp in the game in TBC
LSP was the 2nd best comp in the game in Wrath
RLS and MLS are arguably the best comps in s10/11 cata

Warlock is very strong it’s just not as straight forward as other top classes so more people struggle to make it work


Even when TALKING about Warlocks, two of those three comps you mentioned have Shamans, and two of the three have Rogues.

Again - that’s while talking ABOUT Warlocks.

Do you understand the significance of this? Fully?

? The comps wouldn’t be among the best in the game if one of the classes in them is not objectively good.

Your comment runs up against the reality of anyone who has played arena in the last few classic expacs at a decent rating

Do this for me.

Name me a class that is NOT part of a top tier comp.

Frost DK
Survival Hunter

What’s your point

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That’s a very disingenuous response. I said class, not spec. There are some exceptions like boomie, since that is a role-defining spec (that isn’t a tank spec). But boomies ARE in top tier comps. So are HUNTERS. Maybe not survival, but that is irrelevant. Same with frost DK, and i would still doubt that statement too.

He meant class, not spec. I think his point is warlocks are only good in a few narrow comps in cata, all of which involve S tier classes that “carry” the Warlock simply because the Warlock’s damage profile fits into the comp.

However, i have to disagree here. Good warlocks are 1 in a million, but the rare good warlock can exceed outside of those narrow comps and is even strong 1v1 and in BGs. People just dont really understand that, because good warlocks are the rarest thing in this game.


What’s the significance of class vs spec

No class is s tier in arena because it usually has 1-2 specs which are bad

By that logic rogues are bad because combat and assa are useless

Yes, thank you for understanding, and discussing genuinely.

I respect what you’re saying, but i want to ask. Don’t you think it may be a little… “improper” to assume warlocks are just a really great class that, simply, most people can’t figure out how to play right?

The strength of a Warlock is, admittedly, that they should theoretically be able to ensure a long term victory by putting out the most damage possible on spread targets. And it’s up to the team comp to make sure it can happen. (Maybe not necessarily as Plan A, but still.)

But it’s a very fragile plan, and class in general. Almost everything they do requires babysitting, and thus not only does the Warlock need to be good, but so do the teammates. (And they all need to be in sync with each other.) I think this is the property you guys are saying is why the class is lowly represented. Which i agree is part of it. But the fact that it’s ALL THAT effort just for a long term Plan B is why i see the class as the weakest.

EVERY class is part of a top tier comp. But some classes are much stronger than others, and you can see that in the AMOUNT of comps that want the class. (Rogues, mages, warriors, priests, all fit in with the most other classes.)

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It’s not a few narrow comps - there are 2-3 s tier warlock comps and more viable ones than you can count. His point is complete gibberish

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You know what, okay, sure. Lemme know how playing a Warlock goes for you, lol.

You’re right, this is pointless. You’re not even playing a Warlock. There’s a reason for that. It probably lines up with everyone else’s reason, too.

Lemme know how your boy Chan does, too.


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I’m pretty sure you don’t even queue arena from these opinions, so right back at ya

Lock is absolutely a meta class in cata in 2024 just like it was in 2011

And i do play lock actually and am having a lot of fun. It’s just the same story every time a new expac comes out. People roll lock thinking it’s so easy and then cry on forums or on discord when they can’t do anything to counter melee cleaves. It takes experience to be successful :+1:


Nice words.

So what rating is your Warlock?

Chan already almost won a tournament lmfao

Will only get easier once he has more gear

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Omg nice! A player that’s been playing for 20 years STRAIGHT, with the same players, almost won a tournament!!!



You act like his opponents haven’t been playing that long either

You’re just too deep to admit you’re wrong lmao

The skill curve is just too steep for you to understand, Warlocks are always better at the end of the expansion. Some classes gain power more exponentially from gear than others, another point you just straight up don’t understand

Good luck mad one