What's up with Alcaz island?

Just out of curiosity i wandered over to Alcaz today, thinking maybe I could look around now that I should be able to avoid aggro from all the 110 elites.

…halfway up the beach I suddenly run into some kind of invisible mine that pops me for almost 90% of my health.

“Okay, I’ll be more observant”, I think and heal up then proceed more slowly, looking carefully for any triggers.

Out of nowhere, another explosion for 90% health… no trigger seen, no mine seen, appears randomly placed. Okay, enough of that… I gave up and went elsewhere.

Is this something that is intended to keep 120s off this place? Those bombs would obliterate a 110 if they did 150k damage to them…

EDIT: Corrected name of the island. >.<

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Those are there to provide hunters with a challenge when taming mechanical pets. Been that way since Legion.


I’ve never even heard of it. Where is this island?

They mean Alcaz Island:


North of Theramore.

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Ah, thanks. Might have to pay that place a visit on my hunter.



Huh, shows how long it’s been since I’ve been there. Can hunters detect these things? It would suck if you just randomly died to an invisible mine while trying to fight an island full of elite enemies.


I remember messing around there on my demon hunter. I believe they can spot the mines with their vision spell that lets them see stealth objects/enemies.

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wait what

the last time i was there there were level 60 three-headed beasts and random humanoids leftover from a classic raid? quest


Hm, I wonder if a hunter’s flare would work to reveal them? I may have to check that out some time when I level mine up.

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I believe I did it last xpac on my hunter to get one of the really neat looking mecha spider pets- but yeah, I think it was hunter flare that reveals the mines.

It’s a pretty cool side place, hunters do get a few cool little side things for pets from time to time. (and really, the mechanical pets added are all pretty interesting, and some have interesting taming challenges).

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i headed out there a couple of months ago to see if i could solo Doctor Weavil for the toy.

soloing him wasn’t a problem… but getting to him involved a couple of corpse runs :stuck_out_tongue:

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Got one of spiders in legion. You can use track hidden to spot the mines.

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They updated it with Legion. Mostly for hunters and the robot pets. Dr Weavil also drops a toy but really low droprate.

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Off the coast of Dustwallow. If Inremember correctly, was part of a quest chain to find Varian back in Vanilla.

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An easy way to get in is fly up as high as possible and when you get dismounted from being over the island use a goblin glider to get into the middle area.

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What happens after that do you fight your way out?

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That is an option, Id want to explore this place although It dose not have a definite quest line in classic wow .

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There’s mines randomly throughout the compound too, if I recall.

There’s 3 Mechanical Spider rares to tame. Though they have common versions on Mechagon now, so no reason for hunters to go there to get them.