What's to stop boostie boys from just making guilds?

I made this suggestion in a list of example ideas on a designer resume (spoiler alert didn’t get the job), but they definitely could leverage bot AI to help clean up chat.

What you do is form a bulletin board community trade UI window, or some kind of a thing that shows up at inns or other cool locations, and whenever any chat channel detects a player sending a message that uses any list of keywords “carries / boosts” etc. you essentially could re-route the message to the board and /trade channel only. Obviously it’s a little tricky and they probably wanna be more conservative with it just to make sure not too many unintentional messages get rerouted.

That in conjunction with a ToS policy that carry sales need to be restricted to trade channels could help. Since you can report repeat offenders and cause them to be muted. LFG just needs to be cleaned up. Players don’t wanna look for arena teammates and have to scroll past 20 booster ads.

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This my favorite from Beastie Boys.


They are widely know to let the beat…

Mmmmmmm drop?

God that band is annoying but I deserve it with this thread title lol. I can appreciate some dissonant melodies and stuff if used well but damn those voices being played constantly on rock radio back in the day, oof.

Note to self make a guild called boostie boys

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Could be worse, they could go the FFXIV route and get rid of all global channels completely and then ban any and all advertisements or spam for the existing methods such as yell, etc. Looked up some of this in FFXIV and their chat is far more restrictive compared to Wow.

But if things keep up, could see WoW adding more restrictions to chat in the future.

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If things are so bad you can’t afford 40 cents a day maybe playing WOW shouldn’t be on the agenda.

I’m pretty sure this will happen.

With how things are going I wouldn’t be surprised. I know that it would push things to discord which the current change will do but at that point it would be out of the game and they wouldn’t care as much.

That’s not what happened. There were other games I wanted to pay for that month. Extra money. I never mentioned not being able to pay the mortgage or anything. So save the judgmental bs.

40 cents a day.

Doesn’t matter. My $15 went elsewhere that month. Blizz gets an extra $5 from anyone that gets their sub that month that way. It works out for us both. Couldn’t afford to pay means I didn’t have it extra. It went to BL 3 or other things. Metroid, etc.

They won’t have to spam trade and make it hard for those selling mats for gold, looking for groups, help, or wanting to chat with other players in the cities. If they create guilds, well, we will find them soon.

I just hope they fix up our crafting systems. Ever since legion consumables have become more labor intensive to farm.

Our current state of crafting probably forced a lot of top end raiding guilds to seek out boosting communities to be able to purchase consumables. They wanna do content, not farm.

Leggo bases designed to be expensive= boosting community
Needing 20 odd fish to make one feast good for 1 pull= boosting community.
Needing to collect 2-3 nodes for across 2 unique zones for 1 potion= boosting community

When WoLTK Classic comes out people might take a look at what farm time was needed to kit out a raid. The amount of time needed farm consumables is significantly less back then compared to what it is now.

Did you know that a rank 4 leggo crafter is probably more rare than a top tier raider.

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They may have not done this in the past because they didn’t have the tools. Good data base programmers could make these types of tools. If it was me I would have made the tools first. Verified that they worked. Then announced the new policy. So I guess we’ll have to wait and see how hard the ban hammers start falling. lol

Nothing, but if the result of these guilds recreates the feeling of what communities brought Blizzard will likely tweak their rules to break it down more.

Push the envelope if you want, chances are it won’t work out for you.

No, Blizzard shouldn’t place a level of engagement criteria in getting achievements from end game content. In addition to boosting communities, guilds will boost players to get achievements even if they don’t normally play end game content. It’s not anyone else’s business how they got the achievement other than the player and the people they are playing with.

How is paying money for RNG loot fundamentally different from a lootbox?

WoW token system needs changed

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of boosting. (besides paying for a level 60 boost in the blizzard store) First of all its ridiculous because normal leveling up a character is super quick anyways. Why anyone would want to pay for this kind of service is moronic.
Second how do I know when someone is advertising boosting so I can report them? Is it in trade chat?

Thanks in advance.

That’s not an argument against my idea.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

I did not make any statements either for or against privacy involving achievements.

Although now I am wondering what you are hiding… :eyes:.